Opens Tuesday 16 September, runs until 22 September 2014 The school of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies at the University of Leeds hosts this year’s crop of MA and MFA Fine Art graduates, for their show entitled […]
Jessica Akerman and Morven Mulgrew’s New Collaborations bursary blog.
I’m excited to unpack Barcelona in a Bag in a new blog space. Transferring from an artist’s page on FaceBook is an action imbued with mixed emotions. I’ve loved every minute of gathering a community of friends around my project […]
So I have officially started work on my residency work at Cuckoo Farm Studios. Ill be arriving at the studios next Friday, just in time for there open studios that weekend. Ill be arriving with a piece of work along […]
Case study document demonstrating a range of models and structures of artists’ studios in London.
From artist-led adventures in Leicester to an exploration of a 19th century German educationalist in Bristol, we pick five must-see exhibitions from across the UK.
During July we discussed how we might share our research and devise opportunities for people to engage with the work. As a result of the workshops to date we have some work that is complete, other ideas have proliferated and […]
In less than four weeks, Scotland will be voting to decide whether to become an independent nation or remain part of the UK. Chris Sharratt speaks to artists and those working in the visual arts in the country and finds thinking that runs much deeper than nationalism, oil revenues and questions of currency.
It is now only 7 weeks to our R K Burt Gallery Exhibition show ‘Paperfields’ and I have used all my available time (5 hours a day, including last weekend) preparing our funding application to help us get there and […]
A mass participation artwork by Manchester-based artist duo Sagar and Campbell has won the National Lottery Good Causes Award in the Best Arts Project category.
Reaching the buying public with original and unique work
Listed below are the comments written by the passing public in Tampere and artists at the residency studios of how to twin the cities together. What I found was that ‘Art’ wasn’t much of a priority in the general publics […]
Turner Prize winner Mark Wallinger and curator Sarah Elson have selected 12 artists to showcase their work at the annual Bow Arts’ open exhibition in London.
PV 22 August, runs 23 August – 6 September An interim exhibition for 1st year students on the 2 year MFA programme and the final culminating show for 2nd year graduating students, held at Newcastle University School of Arts and […]
I joined altMFA this year, only a few months ago, but have been attending as regularly as possible within childcare constraints. My first meeting was a small one where I met two members who were moving imminently to other countries: […]
Today is my Friday. Last day of five in, five days of breathing air conditioned dry air, making my nose even stuffier. Tomorrow I will be able to breathe again. As I was feeling so sorry for myself in my […]
Textile artist Louise Presley has received the inaugural £5,000 Harley Foundation Studio Award, which rewards the hard work and dedication of studio artists based at the Foundation.
During my stay I have found it really difficult to see other performances, do my own work and balance spending time with the family. Even though I have this amazing studio it doesn’t stop me from hearing my baby cry […]
Today I had a full day of work which is a real treat for me since having a baby in January. I met with Anne the residency co-ordinator at the Maltinranta Art Center to settle the rent and collect the […]
I had a lot of help from a number of collaborators to realise the work in the current exhibition, which was made possible by the Arts Council funding that I received. It means I can pay other artists and professionals […]
The book was eventually published on 6th July. We launched the book with a public discussion event at Outpost Studios. The topic was: what spaces does family life allow for creative practice? Judith Stewart and Frances Williams (who each […]