Yesterday I went to the Open Forum session led by Matt Roberts Arts at the Bath Artists’ Studios where I had a one-to-one portfolio session with Matt Roberts where I had the chance to discuss with him ways to promote […]
I’ve been doing further research into Fiona Banner ( Katrina M. Brown said of Banner’s work “but what we’re really looking at is the gap between function and failure – a word spelled incorrectly collapses the relationship to meaning and […]
It’s life ‘n’ that innit? Gaaaah! Four weeks of illness. FOUR WEEKS! But thankfully, I am on the mend now and my energies are directed to the upcoming North Yorkshire Open Studios. My first attempt, so I am a bit […]
Still none the wiser about tax…. is it really such a no no in the field of discussion? Why haven’t I just given them a ring to find out? Hmmmm…. Fear of being taxed for earnings that I haven’t made […]
1 x installation 3 x digital prints 2x DVD portable players 1x mixed media piece of 9 shelves 5x small paintings on board All this in a suitcase and hand luggage on a Ryanair flight. I am picking up the […]
The headline show at this year’s House festival in Brighton & Hove is Yinka Shonibare’s installation of 10,000 reclaimed books at Brighton Museum and Gallery. But as our reviewer discovers, there’s also a satisfying journey of discovery to be had around the festival’s more unconventional spaces.
Jem’s firm like many other surveying and law firms, offers pro bono advice for various studio groups and charity organisations ie on a voluntary basis. Jem has helped a few studios and saved one group of artists from years of […]
This weekend saw the inaugural Bristol Art Weekender take place across the city. Initiated by Situations, the project was the result of an Open Space event that asked ‘what future do we want for the visual arts in Bristol?’ It […]
2/ RESEARCH : MEETING THE ARTISTS It is here that I start my search for an artist who might be willing to work with me, visiting the studio projects to meet the artists and introduce myself. Each artist tutor has […]
With just a few weeks to go ’til the joy of the Degree Show, there’s not really any point in me pretending that I’ll post frequently on here – but I certainly will post enough to show the whole process […]
While I’ve been carrying on with my normal routine, something about NY pops into my head. Random things trigger memories….like the snow on Fargo…packaging on a delivery…words from a song…….all bringing fond memories of events, but also reminding me that […]
Pointeso School of Art Deadline: Jun 30, 2015 Application fee: £60 The state of Lower Soca and the University of Art Pointeso announce scholarships for the year 2015/16. They consist of: – Four Haser NETWORK scholarships for artists of Sound […]
April marked the official launch of the SEA, SKY AND STONE project – a plan to combine art, geology and astronomy drawings into one new book project and move my studio to the Yorkshire coast. Fully funded in under 72 […]
I seem to have been doing all kinds of things in the past week – and seen a lot of people. On the 25th and 26th April I was accepting works for our annual Open art exhibition. We had 92 […]
I was commissioned to write this text to mark 10 years working together for fabricators Plenderleith Scantlebury. ‘One of the perks of being an artist based in one of the most populated artist studios in the country is the wealth […]
This May Day bank holiday weekend sees the launch of the Bristol Art Weekender, a four-day event that brings together 16 of the city’s visual arts venues, producers and artist-run initiatives for the first time. We talk to some of those involved and investigate the wider context for the upsurge in cultural activity in the city.
Well, it’s been a couple of weeks since I last put together a blog entry – not because I’ve been holidaying in the Bahamas or anything; far from it! In the first week, I visited my studio space at uni […]
Last time I was talking about how progress isnt linear – and in the light of recent activities I reckon its much more like a spider diagram in fact! I’m preparing for an Open Studio as part of Powys Arts […]
Following a successful application to KARST’s Artist Residency Programme, I am spending a week developing a new video piece in an individual studio space at KARST. KARST is a non-profit contemporary art venue in Plymouth, which comprises a public gallery […]
I have finished printing my 90 flowers! Some of these I printed onto wet Somerset paper and some onto dry. Where the paper was dry I also splattered water so it made the silkscreen inks bleed and this effect was […]
The Northern Rock Foundation, a major funder of arts and community projects in the North East and Cumbria, has announced it is to close following the withdrawal of funding support from Virgin Money.