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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Shanghai Residency"

At 8am students are already arriving at the studios. The Public Art course has a great space, or at least I thought so until Yijia, my host and lecturer on the course, says that other disciplines have much better studios. […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Project Me"

It is as though I cannot help myself! I have accepted the invitation to be on the management team at the studios. I did make one condition, that I do nothing this side of New Year. There are a couple […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Shanghai Residency"

Veronica Lu and I (politely) gatecrashed a conference this morning. It was held at the Folk Art Museum in Gucun Park and was organised by the International Folk Art Association (Chinese, American, Russian, Indian and African delegates). Before we arrived, […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "European Contemporary Arts Practitioner"

FILM REVIEW GRAVITY, 2013, co-written, co-produced, directed, and co-edited by Alfonso Cuaron. ★★★★ out of ★★★★ An absolute masterpiece if there ever was one, Cuaron demonstrates why he is one of the most important directors alive today. A science-fiction film […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "11/11/13 – 11/03/14"

Met two more fellow resident artists today: Matthew Goodsmith & Yi Xin Yan They are working together in the space without walls, two studios down from mine. Also found out that the Creekside Cafe (sort of downstairs from […]

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News News story

NOW SHOWING #19: The week’s top exhibitions

This week’s selection of must-see shows includes Korean artist Haegue Yang at Glasgow Sculpture Studios, Michael Landy at the National Gallery, and photographic viewpoints of the city in Manchester.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "11/11/13 – 11/03/14"

Hello, and welcome to the new blog :) I will probably return to The State of Play blog when this project is complete, but I wanted to keep a separate record of my residency collaborating in a large group with […]

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ACE Report cover
News News comment

New ACE strategy: Keep calm and carry on…

Arts Council England’s update of its 10-year ‘strategic framework’ makes for sober and serious reading. But while there are no dramatic changes in its ambitions and priorities, Mark Robinson finds a worrying lack of solutions for cash-strapped artists and no recognition of the regional imbalance in arts funding.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Between the eye and the object"

Mark Devereux Projects Launches New Space for Artists in Manchester In July 2012 Mark and I worked as a team to put together my first major solo exhibition ‘Chroma’ at BLANKSPACE, Manchester. After the show came down he left Blank […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "blog…"

Ho ho ho! ‘Blog’ is No 7 on Top of the Pops………means lots of you are reading this quietly and silently behind closed curtains……come on out into the light! Let yourselves be known! We might like each other……. Seriously, its […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "blog…"

Well I am in- slightly complicated by the fact that the packaging company on the same floor had an articulated lorry full of boxes from China using the same lift…. Plans chest and my lovely old shelves all in and […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "blog…"

Five days since the last blog…where does the time go? One of the things I did as part of my ‘get myself organised’ package was to look myself up on Google. What a ghastly mess……..things from 2007 when I did […]

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Sluice 1
News News story

Sluice: more of a happening than an art fair

As the eyes of much of the artworld were on Frieze, the artist-led Sluice Art Fair returned for its second edition, with a mission to encourage a sharing of ideas between artist-run scenes. Dany Louise reports on the weekend event in Bermondsey.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Review & Reboot"

This morning we were here to generate ideas. We focused on portraits of people who intimidate us in our neighbourhood, and thought about how we could make this project look as weird as possible. Our temporary home for our second […]

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