AN OFFICE FOYER IN WINTER A.M. Hanson UCA degree show 2013 _____________________________ “..I looked into office spaces, again and again I saw plants, their shadows, projected through the windows that fed and shelter shielded them. …eventually, they began to return […]
The sixth annual Liverpool Art Prize has been won by Tabitha Moses, who also picks up the People’s Choice Award.
…Continued from yesterday… Bang in the midst of getting ready to open the Bradford Baked Zines popup shop, some exciting news. Gideon Seymour, director of Bradford arts organisation Fabric ( in touch to say that he had located a possible […]
Two weeks ago I went to Artists in Dialogue on the last day of Discernible. Popped into the open studios before, enjoyed talking to some of the artists there and in passing to a woman who told me about her […]
Middlesbrough-based Navigator North has announced the artists who will be getting a share of its £4000 small grants seed fund to explore the theme of work and play.
Had to rearrange things a bit, so didn’t get to FACT and Mike on Friday. Instead I looked into whether ‘To have a studio or to not have a studio’, I do the thinking in my head, the work on […]
Last post: I have been painting studio space for the last couple of days in preparation to hang my paintings for degree show. There is definitly a feeling in the studios of excitement and camaraderie between students. Work is being […]
#21 There’s now less than two weeks until the assessment and the final rush in the studio has begun! We’re all moving to our new spaces and cleaning up (read: PAINTING!) the studio, ready for the big day of our […]
WEEK ONE BUDDY GROUP NEWS – a message from Anne Barrell, Buddy Group leader to the Buddies. The first meeting was very productive. As we have seen, Buddies have a diverse range of artistic practice and requirements from the programme. […]
Like many of the collaborations we have developed, including our ongoing residency exchange with La Escocesa in Barcelona, this residency has come about through some former Islington Mill tenants who have recently moved to Ibiza. Taking the people out of […]
BUDDIES! We had our first Buddy Group meeting last night at Towner. Our Buddying scheme is running for 6 weeks and we’ve managed to pair up 14 artists into 7 Buddy pairs. It was great to meet almost all of […]
A weekend festival of inspiring after-hours events in museums, galleries and heritage sites kicks off tonight around the UK, with leading visual artists playing a major part. We find out more from Culture24’s Nick Stockman.
A public book burning in Brighton, instigated by artist Alinah Azadeh, aims to question our historical and social understanding of debt.
Examples of methods used to trade The primary aim of this project was ‘To set up both virtual & physical spaces and times for ‘TRADING STATION’ Here is a list of methods tried during the project. Virtual trading · Photos, […]
Today’s drop in workshop session inside the church, started off as a cross between a ‘Little Britain’ and ‘A League of Gentleman’ episode. ‘I want to do plain things…. not all this fancy stuff’, complained one little old lady. She […]
Well we are now onto our last week before the degree show preparation starts. I’ve noticed that quite a few of the bloggers on here have already started their preparation and it’s interesting to see how they have progressed. Unfortunately […]
Only two more days for deadline on Friday. It has been mad to get everything going for the last month and it has been hard work but very rewarding indeed. Winning the award for the MA studentship has definately helped […]
Canerows, bowel movements and a pile of bricks win the fifth Creekside Open run by Art in Perpetuity Trust, Deptford.
Last night tactileBOSCH gallery & studios caught fire and burnt down. I went to investigate this afternoon and saw the entire building reduced to charred fragments, broken glass, ashes and dust. The fire team were still at the premises at […]
I arrived in Chongqing a few days ago. I’m staying in the arts district of the city. It’s lively with lots of galleries and studio complexes housed in old warehouse buildings, which from the perspective of a London based artist […]
CROWDFUNDING SEMINAR Thanks a-n for the Crowdfunding Seminar yesterday at Toynbee Studios. It was a good day – loads of interesting people with exciting projects and fresh ideas. It was great to meet up again with Tooting’s Pippa Koszerek and […]