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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Oxford Brookes"

The studios have been cleared and we have all (rather reluctantly) handed in the workbooks we’ve been working in and carrying around with us for the last few months, with all our emerging and changing plans for degree show work. […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Plymouth University"

Plymouth University’s fine art degree courses are based on two sites within Plymouth, the university campus and Royal William Yard. Our MA is on the main campus which makes it easier to access the rest of the university’s facilities but […]

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Jasper Weinstein Sheffield
Resource Profile

Blogger profile: Jasper Weinstein Sheffield

After joining Degrees unedited in March 2013 Jasper Weinstein Sheffield has showed us there’s much more to his conceptual approach than a blade of grass. He tells us more as prelude to degree shows at Northumbria University.

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Resource Profile

Blogger profile: Ali Reed

Ali Reed joined the Degrees unedited blogs in November 2012, since then we have seen her work develop site-specifically and professionally. Here she tells us of her plans for degree shows at Staffordshire University.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Treading Water"

So over the past week or so I have starting working at BayArt Gallery again which I am very happy about, they have an exhibition on at the moment entitled Open Books which is a very interesting exhibition of artists […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Project Me"

I want, and need, to work out how I can start getting some exhibition opportunities here in Stockholm. I guess that it is probably no different to anywhere else, so have to admit that I have always found it challenging […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "UCA Canterbury"

A.M.Hanson / UCA Canterbury / Fine Art BA 2010-2013. Artist. Photo-related practitioner. Student. The Globes photo and installation works, (2012, ongoing), part of An Emerge (Office) project. Lights. Physical objects. Spherical, suspended, illuminated globes. In the previous post, I described […]

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Briony Fforde
Event Exhibition

SITE 2013

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Beijing"

Final week in Beijing Artist talk at Institute for Provocation Visit to the former artists village of Fuyuanmen Research into pre-print history of ‘Bei Ta’ I was invited to give a talk at the Institute for Provocation, a Beijing-based organisation […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Sleep-drunk I dance"

To touch base between hospital appointments I went to APT-Gallery to see This ‘Me’ of Mine as soon as I was – temporarily at least – upright again, hoping I’d have enough steps in me. I absolutely needed to get […]

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Open Discussion HomeShop
News News comment

Artist-led spaces: an open discussion in Beijing

Manchester-based artist Maurice Carlin recently co-organised a public discussion on artist-led spaces during his current residency at HomeShop, Beijing. He reports on how it went and the issues and solutions that were raised.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Staffordshire University"

This wall drawing is situated in my university studios. The image is of the perimeter of the studios – viewed from Google Maps. The first photograph is taken from the angle of the projector which i used to draw it […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "University Campus Suffolk"

My work has developed such a lot through this year, and although I’ve really enjoyed having this change in direction, (making the “paint boxes”,) I can’t help but feel that I’m doing something wrong by not painting in my studio […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Jackie’s PhD Journal"

At the end of my second week visiting Zhejiang University, China I have time to reflect on my experience of the Future Everything conference. I am currently on a three week visit as part of the Study China Programme (organised […]

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Masato Nakamura
Resource Research paper

Artist as Leader: Masato Nakamura

6 December 2011. 3331 Chiyoda, Tokyo. Edited transcript of recorded interview.
As part of Joshua Sofaer’s Artist as Leader research, Masato Nakamura discusses his commitment to transforming the art education system in Japan, and the inauguration of a new model of art centre “founded on the basis of artist leadership”.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Un-Fiction Snapshots etc"

I have been busy with mounting, framing and preparing work for exhibition, as well as producing artwork, though not documenting much. I have work selected for the Suffolk Showcase, Smiths Row in Bury St Edmonds and work also on exhibition […]

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