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Resource Profile

Kate Murdoch

Artists talking blogger Kate Murdoch had a previous career in Social Services before becoming an artist. But rather than take the ‘safe’ path through art education she decided to go it alone. In this interview she talks to Andrew Bryant, editor of Artists talking, about this and other issues.

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Installation as part of Artsway New Forest Pavilion
Resource Research paper

Realising the value: how practice-based organisations will fare after ACE cuts

‘Ladders for development’ argues that the visual arts sector should pull together and support small visual arts organisations cut by Arts Council England because they “punch above their weight” and provide vital development of future artists. Six months on, Dany Louise interviews these arts organisations again, to find out how they’ve fared and what their futures hold.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Diary of an artist writer online"

I can hardly believe Forth Valley Open Studios have come around again. How things have changed! We are now a registered C.I.C. (Community Interest Company). Already it has resulted in a streamlining of our operations. We have a core […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Project Me"

The tax office (Swedish) called while I was on my way to the supermarket. They needed to ask a couple of simple questions to approve my application to register my company. The first was to clarify the type of artistic […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Rising from the Ashes"

I’ve always liked the idea of festivals. Since a school friend absconded for a weekend for the Stonehenge free festival, returning with tales of body-painted hippies on acid, druids worshipping the sun, a peaceful gathering of alternative folk with no […]

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Colour Our Town Design Camp
Resource Archive Feature

Community Facility

Artists David Hood and Seainin Passi introduce their ongoing collaborative practice Community Facility, and reflect on a legacy of nine years’ work and the subtleties of engagement that have emerged.

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RFO visual art organisations
Resource Archive Feature

A new landscape for Wales

In December 2010 the Arts Council of Wales announced its new portfolio of revenue clients. From 116 existing clients more than thirty were lost. Five months on we asked the sector what the impact has been and how the visual arts in Wales has reacted, and what England might anticipate following last month’s ACE announcements.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Socially Engaged Adventures"

International Award for Participatory Art Pablo Helguera has won the first edition of the International Award for Participatory Art. The Award, a biennial project promoted by the Legislative Assembly of the Region Emilia-Romagna, is dedicated to artists with an […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Nothing Special"

Post-event despondency has set in a bit following last Friday’s InCounter. After weeks of organization and running around trying to remember a thousand and one little details, all of which are equally important for the smooth running of the night, […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Field guide to ideas

A pilot initiated by Judith Mottram, Terry Shave and Joanne Lee from Nottingham Trent University’s School of Art and Design, ‘A Field Guide to Ideas’ is a collaboration with former Arts Council East Midlands Visual Arts & Literature Head Alison Lloyd.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Democracy: the new way forward

Millions of people take an interest in the Turner Prize each year who might otherwise only have a passing interest in Fine Art.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "How to emerge?"

After visiting last week’s Future Map 10 exhibition* at London’s Zabludowicz Collection, with it’s boastful bi-line: ‘showcasing the finest talent from the University of the Arts’, I have been thinking: Why are we churning out so many artists? Because we […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Diary of an Art Historian"

Becky blogs for Arts Professional… Nov 29th, 2010 by Becky. [Edit] I am delighted to have been invited by Arts Professional’s editorial team to be one of their brand new creative bloggers. I’ll be writing regularly on how to manage […]

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Nothing For Sale Except Nothing Itself
Resource Archive Feature

How to save money

In these times of austerity, a-n Magazine has compiled a catalogue of money-saving ideas for freelancers that have been tried and tested by our readers.

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Grey Area - NAN Go and See visit to Estonia
Resource Archive Feature

NAN in conversation with Grey Area

In September 2009, Grey Area was granted a NAN Go and See bursary to travel to Estonia for research and development. Emilia Telese talks to Daniel Pryde-Jarman of Grey Area about the bursary and its impact on the group.

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Resource Archive Feature

Rural initiatives

Featuring a selection of the UK’s arts organisations that are providing vivid cultural life to rural areas.

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