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Resource Profile

Artist-led: Islington Mill

Islington Mill in Salford is an evolving creative space, arts hub and community that provides studios, hosts residencies, and includes a peer-led art school and artist-run B&B. This profile includes two videos, recorded at Assembly Salford, of Islington Mill founder Bill Campbell introducing the organisation and discussing future plans.

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Blog Post

Participants announced

We are happy to announce the following people will be participating in the ‘Containers’ choreographic workshop series: Adham Faramawy Adham Faramawy is an artist based in London. His work spans media including moving image, performance for camera, sculptural installation and print, engaging […]

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News News story

Glasgow’s CCA to remain closed until end of August; Germaine Greer claims ‘we should stop teaching art’ in schools

In Brief: News briefing featuring national and international stories including: Artemisia Gentileschi masterpiece becomes only 20th work by a woman owned by National Gallery; Arts Council England launches Impact and Insight Toolkit; artist to receive $3.5m from US Postal Service for copyright infringement; French president Emmanuel Macron to reform country’s artist residencies.

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News News story

First major outdoor public artwork by Christo in the UK opens in Hyde Park; Fundraising Regulator back Bow Arts Trust over charitable donations dispute

In Brief: News briefing featuring national and international stories including: National Gallery to display The Monarch of the Glen for first time in 160 years; Gagosian Gallery files motion to dismiss lawsuit after Jeff Koons’s studio was accused of failing to deliver a trio of sculptures, Anish Kapoor to sue the National Rifle Association over copyright infringement, plus public art collective Indecline call out Trump over child detention policy with billboard work.

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News News story

Tendency Towards: new artist-run initiative for Aberdeen

Alongside the launch of its first curated programme, this week Tendency Towards opens its inaugural exhibition – an interdisciplinary showcase of graduate artists from four Scottish art schools. Richard Taylor finds out more about this new artist-run initiative in Scotland’s ‘Granite City’.

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Resource Profile

Artist-led: Recent Activity

Based in Birmingham’s growing cultural quarter Digbeth, Recent Activity seeks to contribute to the area’s artist-led scene without replicating the activity of its more established spaces. Art researchers Doggerland speak to one of the organisation’s founders Andrew Gillespie about working within manageable parameters to offer “something a bit different” to the area.

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News News feature

Free Market thinking: arts, organising and alternatives to neoliberalism

Market Gallery’s recent Free Market symposium – supported by an a-n Artist Led Bursary – brought together thinkers and doers to discuss issues around ‘cultural resources in crisis’ and was in part informed by the Glasgow gallery’s own precarious situation. Chris Sharratt reports on three days of thinking beyond the usual.

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Blog Post

Art AND philosophy in Athens

A brilliant week in Athens for The Alternative Art Fair, over 2000 visitors on the first night apparently. Thanks to all those who made it possible from Artemis Potamianou for organising the event at short notice, Jackie Berridge for organising […]

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News News comment

Models for mother artists: how to maintain your practice as a parent

Being a mother of young children and continuing your art practice is incredibly difficult. Inspired by a recent symposium exploring the challenges of being a ‘mother artist’, Frances Bossom – who presents a ‘Proposal for a Guide for Art Parents’ at June’s a-n Assembly event in Bristol – calls for an approach that values the complex reality of motherhood.

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