MFA Postgraduate Exhibition
Bath School of Art and Design -
September 28, 2011 -
October 02, 2011 -
South West England
There are two key things Nicholas Leverington mentions that I want to zone into.
Ryan Hughes, 2011 graduate from Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, talks to Richard Taylor about life post-graduation and how he now makes room to re-approach a working practice.
Tim Ridley, a graduate from Chelsea College of Art and Design, uses performance to actuate ideas and working processes. As Tim gets to grips with being an artist fresh from art school, Richard Taylor takes a further journey in to his new blog on Artists talking.
Janey Muir graduated from her MFA at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design in September 2010. A year on, Richard Taylor steps in to conversation at a pivotal moment in her work’s development, through a new Project blog on Artists talking.
Richard Taylor talks to Natalia Komis, a recent graduate from Bath School of Art and Design (BSAD) about dust, new and collective departures in her work and the beginnings of a new blog.
Where in Art Education does the education take place? Artist and educator Mitra Memarzia reports.
Highlights from this year’s degree show reviews.
So what happens after graduating? How do you go about making work, being an artist, getting money, finding jobs/houses/generally how do you survive? This blog is a journey documenting my life and work as a graduate.
Sheffield Hallam University and S1 Artspace, Sheffield
10 – 25 June 2011
Sheffield Hallam University and S1 Artspace, Sheffield
10 – 24 June 2011
Coleg Menai, Bangor
11 June 2011
University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield
18 – 24 June 2011
Sheffield Hallam University and S1 Artspace, Sheffield
9 July 2010 – 25 June 2011
Bradford College, Bradford
17 – 23 June 2011
University of Leeds, Leeds
13 June – 17 July 2011
Evidence-based recommendations on: Identifying the ‘new practices’ model, Valuing peer networks, Redefining public accountability, Supporting location and community and New ‘brand image’ for artists.
Chelsea College of Art and Design, London
18 – 25 June 2011
Cardiff School of Art and Design, Cardiff
18 – 24 June 2011
London Metropolitan University, London
15 – 19 June 2011
A blog by the Degrees unedited online editor to focus on and spotlight student artists work that deals with photography, either as an approach, a methodology, a tool or indeed an end result. This is a cross-blog with the World […]
Embassy Gallery, Edinburgh
20 – 29 May 2011
New evidence exposing, quantifying and discussing the likely impact on the visual arts of Arts Council England’s decisions on fifteen previously Regularly Funded Organisations (RFOs) visual arts organisations unsuccessful in their NPO application. It shows that a disproportionate number of artists’ membership and development agencies and practice-based organisations lost core funding, despite ACE’s aim of creating a balanced national portfolio and makes recommendations for sustaining their work as part of a strengthened arts ecology.
Here we have unveiled our list of the top ten Artists talking blogs.