Intellectual bankruptcy
A response to the recent Debate pieces: Weakening the Foundations and Why are Artists Poor?
A response to the recent Debate pieces: Weakening the Foundations and Why are Artists Poor?
I’m a recent BA fine Art graduate, my work deals with my own body and personal identity.
Linda Ball is project leader of Creative Graduates Creative Futures the largest research study to date about the career paths of art and design graduates. She talks to Jane Watt about the research, her own experience of a portfolio career and the importance of having creativity at the core of professional practice.
AMY- Mixing bowls belching out heaps of savoury snacks, a myriad of multi-coloured drinks; syrupy, cloying cavity catalysts, a fluffy pink mask sails past at eyesight- was that, is that my chum behind there? Speakers blare corny anthems, everyone is […]
Today, at lunchtime, a small group of us had our first meeting in relation to the exhibition "WET" at the STEW Gallery in Norwich towards the end of June. It was decided that "WET" would be the title of the […]
We're going to be doing a limited edition boxed set of prints for our degree show, proceeds to pay for any costs incurred and for the party drinks and whatnots. There will be 20-25 prints in each boxed set, and […]
RSA Upper and Lower Galleries, Edinburgh
14-25 February
cont.. and some issues to tackle: Lack of awareness of employment opportunities within the sector. Artists not trained for business. Insufficient entry routes for young people into the sector. Skills and experience do not match job vacancies. Qualifications do not […]
Proposals are starting to gain momentum – I've been discussing ideas with colleagues to start some collaborative projects. Basically, most fine art graduates from Lincoln University have gone "home" since graduation and are having to take up other work to […]
John Jones Project Space, London
2-31 October