One of my goals from the a-n bursary was to feel more professional as a practicing artist and to ensure my visibility reflected this. My mentoring session with Jennie Syson was incredibly useful in helping me achieve this, but it […]
On the 13th June Nichola from Vortex Creates came to meet Sarah and I. We wanted to meet her as she does really interesting projects which have essences of our interests. The two that really interest me are the Lost […]
Ten artists have been shortlisted for painting and sculpture prize that focuses on students currently in their final year of undergraduate study in the UK.
Following a busy weekend of degree show openings across the country, we take a look at some of the highlights from our ongoing a-n Instagram takeovers, with images posted from Liverpool, Nottingham, Newcastle upon Tyne, Brighton, Falmouth and Loughborough.
Central Saint Martins’ MA Fine Arts student wins award of £5,000 plus rent-free Acme studio for one year.
For our second Instagram degree shows takeover, Andy Jones visited the preview of the graphic design and illustration show at Liverpool School of Art and Design.
With the degree shows season in full swing, a team of a-n Members is taking over a-n’s Instagram to post images and commentary from shows around the country. Following Olivia Aspinall’s takeover at Central Saint Martins, Andy Jones looks forward to his visit to the Liverpool School of Art and Design Graphic Design and Illustration show.
Dale Lewis is one of three Jerwood Painting Fellows currently exhibiting work at Jerwood Space, London. He talks to Fisun Guner about working with mentor Dan Coombs, his mind-crushing experience as an artist’s assistant, and what inspires his open, chaotic and darkly humorous paintings.
Inspired by ’60s radicalism yet rooted in the contemporary climate of austerity and the commercialisation of art school education, the second Antiuniversity Now! festival offers an alternative to mainstream models of learning through four days of free events, activities and lectures across the UK. Lydia Ashman reports.
Review of Droppers, Andy Webster & Darren Ray’s exhibition at OSR Project Space in West Coker, Somerset. Written by Maddy Hearn as recipient of an OSR Projects Writing Bursary for creative practitioners.
Ott Metusala is a graphic designer who moved to Amsterdam from Estonia to study Graphic Design at the Gerrit Rietveld Acadamie where he met Pieter Verbeke and Elisabeth Klement. Pieter is a librarian and Elisabeth is a graphic designer. Together, […]
The Office for Art, Design and Technology is a new two-year programme of residencies, events, exhibitions and professional development for new and more established artists with digital practices. Anneka French talks to the artist leading the programme as well as artists and mentors involved in Post-Modern Plant Life 2, the recently completed first stage of the initiative.
The Scottish artist and filmmaker Rachel Maclean is to present a solo exhibition for the Scotland + Venice partnership at the 57th Venice Biennale.
The Glasgow artist Kevin Hutcheson died unexpectedly prior to April’s Glasgow International as he was preparing to open a solo show as part of the festival. Friends and colleagues remember this unassuming master of collage and stalwart of the city’s art scene.
At 58 pages, this year’s a-n Degree Shows Guide is the biggest yet and features interviews with artist Bedwyr Williams and mima director Alistair Hudson, contributions from artists including Ruth Ewan, George Barber and Marianna Simnett, plus listings featuring over 75 shows across the UK.
This blog is a record of my bursary-funded (and other related) activity after having been awarded the a-n Professional Development Bursary in 2016.
Primary is an artist-led space in Nottingham. Through the A-N Go & See bursary, we went to visit artist-led spaces and arts venues in Scotland and the Netherlands to learn about different organisational models, approaches to public programming and supporting artists.
The London-based artist Ben Cove, whose work explored art and design history with particular reference to modernism, has died unexpectedly after a short illness. Artist Emily Speed pays tribute to her friend and his work, while also collecting the thoughts of other artists and curators.
So I have been looking and reading today at one of my favourite artists – the incredible Van Gogh. His natural touch with the paint and just how he managed to convey, no communicate and load such passion into his […]