In Certain Places headquarters, Preston In 2015, AirSpace Gallery received some funding through A-N (Artist Newsletter)’s Go&See Programme. The funding was timely. We had just come to the end of a 2 year Arts Council-funded programme, and had been […]
Stair/Slide/Space is a Hampshire based group of artists and curators that work collectively to foster research and concept-led artistic practice. We explore individual and collaborative ways of working, often conducting experimental visual conversations.
Go and See – research trip Since launching our long-term studio base in Preston city centre in 2014, The Birley Artist Studios has enjoyed a steady growth of interest and activity – enough so that we plan to expand both our programme and premises […]
The annual open exhibition at Nunnery Gallery in London will this year be curated by Kent-born painter Anj Smith.
Chat between writer and curator Michael Hill, and artist Sam Venables about new Gallery project IT’S FRIDAY- opening at Glasgow International Festival 2016. THANKS A-N FOR SUPPORT VIA NEW COLLABORATIONS BURSARY SCHEME.
I recently finished an abstract painting of ‘Eden’, part of a series trying to look afresh at spiritual ideas, re-interpreting the ideas for the twenty-first century. I haven’t had much feedback about it, it took a long time to do, […]
Please detail any barriers you have faced, past or present, to achieving your creative aspirations. (max. 500 words) Me, you, them, words, forms, formats, geography, FAE, BMC! Barriers schmarriers, part and parcel of work, of life. Necessity is the mother […]
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here BEWARE… ranting, sweeping statements and controversial opinions lurk in the text below: My involvement in arts education as a (sometimes loosely defined) teacher has taken a sort of scatter gun approach, but has taken in […]
#portrait:TACHBROOK (performance) Saturday, 19 December, 2015, 10.00 – 15.00 19th December 2015 10-3pm At Tachbrook Market A site-specific exhibition of images that have been created by people within the market and within a set timeframe, all portraits will be taken […]
I’m a mature student on level 5 of the part-time fine art degree course at Hereford College of Arts. Our current module, Exploring Futures, is encouraging us to look at life in our chosen field once we’ve graduated. As my […]
BA (Fine Art) student at HCA
Yesterday evening I went to my first “Enköping Art Association” event, it was a discussion with several of the artists from the current show at the gallery: 8 Young Artists. One of the artists, Fredrik Eriksson, I know a little […]
The fourth edition of the prize for final-year undergraduate fine art students, which offers a total award fund of £40,000 and a first prize that includes a 12-month studio fellowship at BALTIC 39 in Newcastle upon Tyne, is open for applications.
Thursday February 4th – I am having my first planning meeting with two possible contributors to my research. They are both postgraduate students at Ravensbourne, Jason and Leticia. As an artist, this is the first time I have had the […]
Report on HOUSE VISIT’s research trip to Billytown, The Hague, in May 2014, funded by the a-n New Collaborations Bursary.
Spike Associate Laurie Lax gained clarity and confidence at Jamboree – and a national network of couches Only a certain kind of person would sign up to sleep on a gallery floor for three nights with a bunch of strangers. […]
Jason Pinder reflects on the experiences of artists from Cardiff’s WARP during Jamboree residential workshop. It’s been a few weeks since we roughed it on the floor of Plymouth Arts Centre (PAC), just enough time for the experience to sink in. […]
During my time at CSAD so far I have been sharing a studio space with the lovely Lisa Evans. Lisa also writes her blog here on A-N. I am really appreciative of sharing a space with someone who is so […]
Lithuania First week back into uni didn’t actually happen until October for myself and a few others, as we travelled to Lithuania for a week’s residency (22nd – 29th September): We flew to Kaunas airport from Stansted, met by Rimantas […]
The third and final workshop in the first a-n Writer Development Programme took us to Birmingham’s Ikon Gallery on Thursday 19 November for a session led by The Arts Desk‘s visual arts editor, Fisun Guner. All five programme participants braved train delays and […]