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Blog Post

The Cardiff Contingent

Jason Pinder reflects on the experiences of artists from Cardiff’s WARP during Jamboree residential workshop. It’s been a few weeks since we roughed it on the floor of Plymouth Arts Centre (PAC), just enough time for the experience to sink in. […]

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Blog Post

Subconscious Collaboration.

During my time at CSAD so far I have been sharing a studio space with the lovely Lisa Evans. Lisa also writes her blog here on A-N. I am really appreciative of sharing a space with someone who is so […]

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Blog Post

The Final Countdown

Lithuania First week back into uni didn’t actually happen until October for myself and a few others, as we travelled to Lithuania for a week’s residency (22nd – 29th September): We flew to Kaunas airport from Stansted, met by Rimantas […]

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Blog Post

Workshop 3, Ikon, Birmingham

The third and final workshop in the first a-n Writer Development Programme took us to Birmingham’s Ikon Gallery on Thursday 19 November for a session led by The Arts Desk‘s visual arts editor, Fisun Guner. All five programme participants braved train delays and […]

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Blog Post

Beginning maternity leave

I have been completely inactive on this blog since returning to the studio after the Aarhus exhibition.  This is down to a couple of things: first a holiday with the family after the show, then after returning to the studio, […]

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MFA. Position-Exploration-Realisation.

This blog will be a point of contact for me to reflect on my concepts and processes throughout my postgraduate study at Cardiff School of Art & Design.

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Blog Post


i think i’m through the worst bit of my feeling that i was no longer an artist.  i probably am not an artist that survives financially by what they create.  there’s no probably about it actually. it’s been quite a […]

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Blog Post

The Golden Age has gone

This past week has been about listening and taking snapshots of residencies popping up on social media. A good listen was Susan Jones lecture about artists pay since the 90s up until today and it seems that back then it […]

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Blog Post

Coming to the end of my residency

I can’t believe how fast these last three weeks have gone. I feel sad to be leaving the studio, there is always something going on around here, despite spending a lot of time by alone, I have to say I […]

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Resource Guide

How to price your work

Artists, gallerists and curators offer tips and guidance on how to price work when exhibiting in group shows, selling at open studios, or applying for open competitions.

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