Yesterday the last printed copy of AN dropped through my letterbox. This is sad and I am really sorry to see its demise in physical form. However, if the money is going to be diverted to improve the digital version […]
We catch up with Clare Mills in the third year of her Fine Art degree at Norwich University College of the Arts, to talk about teaching and the printing process as it corrolates with researched subject matter.
Since November 2011, I have been running a monthly Artist Practice Session at Rogue Project Space, Manchester. The format runs very similarly to the crit session that I organised in London with my peers that also graduated from Goldsmiths, and […]
Arcadia Missa, Peckham
4 March 2012 to 11 March 2012
One of the important aspects of Modernism, for me, has been the idea of the Western Tradition. As an undergraduate I took courses that covered the arts and literature, studying everything from Homer and the arts of ancient Greece to […]
It is Friday afternoon and I am wondering where the week went. It must be is a sign that I’m busy … Two weeks ago I wrote an email stepping down as project coordinator for Sandcastles in Greece. This week […]
I went to listen to artist Matt Stokes speak two Wednesdays ago at the Arnolfini, and came away really inspired! The inspiration has lingered all week and has fueled some new thinking. As a recent graduate, I also found it […]
It’s been a bit of a strange week so far- tutorial with unexpected outcome, spring clean of studio space, and last-minute dash to apply for a residency! My tutorial was on Monday, with my tutor Virginia who hasn’t seen my […]
Visiting Art Studios in Glasgow. October 20, 2007: “Room by room, picture by picture an image was painted in my mind. Some had larger spaces than others, some more organised spaces…others a collage of mess, spreading itself across the floor […]
I have been reading with interest the debate in a-n about the development of “alternative art schools” (Research papers: Alternative art schools, Pippa Koszerek, 2011).
Flick the switch I am really looking forward to the Factory Night at J.A.Crabtree & Co. Ltd in Walsall tomorrow evening. I have never been to Walsall before and I plan to visit The New Art Gallery, which is showing […]
Free Range In July, two weeks after the degree show at Bath Spa, thirty of us are taking part in Free Range, an eight-week series of exhibitions of art and design graduate shows from around the country. It takes place […]
I’ve decided I am binary. I seem to have two looks. One is an ‘on’ look – things are going well and one is an ‘off’ look – things are not going so well. I know this because when I […]
The private view / final event of the graduate residency at The Lombard Method happened on friday! Despite it being -8 in the building it was well attended and people seemed to like the work! I showed 5 identical A1 […]
Guest Projects, London
27 – 29 January 2012
Jennifer Picken has been working with a-n since her MFA studies at Newcastle University, and continues her role in the Communications and Partnerships team working remotely from Amsterdam – where she has a studio. Here she maps her alternative working routes through undergraduate study, from volunteering to mentoring and beyond.
It’s always hard to know where to start, and I tend to feel that way with most things I begin, whether it’s starting university or finally graduating and wondering what next, meeting someone new, being a parent, making a new […]
AIR Communications Officer Jack Hutchinson catches up with OpenAIR Action Presenter Dan McQuillan.
Wall Piece (Studio Exercise) When we moved into the third-year studios, our first job was to repair and re-paint the walls – the degree show had taken place there a few months earlier, and most of the graduates appeared to […]
Flora Parrott, Pressure In/Pressure Out (detail), hand-beaten copper and honey, 60x60cm, 2009.