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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "How to emerge?"

After visiting last week’s Future Map 10 exhibition* at London’s Zabludowicz Collection, with it’s boastful bi-line: ‘showcasing the finest talent from the University of the Arts’, I have been thinking: Why are we churning out so many artists? Because we […]

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Green Jewel
Resource Archive Feature

Supporting professional practice

A guide to career development and training opportunities as well as related services and resources that are designed to help artists and makers take their practice to the next level.

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Resource Archive Feature

Reflections on the arts funding crisis

Thoughts from artists and arts professionals about how cuts in public spending will affect their future working pattern. Plus April Britski gives an account of how recent governmental decisions to cut arts funding have affected Canadian artists.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Group Therapy"

I’d imagine its impossible to write a blog on the topic of art and mental health without eventually having to consider the practice of art as therapy. So I’ve come to Belfast his week to hook up with some old […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Group Therapy"

Its been an intense couple of weeks and it seems that my focus has drifted slightly from this project to other seemingly more pressing matters. Last Tuesday saw me in London for a job interview, after which I decided to […]

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Abu Ghraib 1
Resource Archive News archive

Turning Point update

Launched in 2006,Turning Point is a national ten-year strategy for the visual arts. A network of regional Turning Point groups has since been emerging, each charged with “strengthening the visual arts infrastructure”.

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Resource Archive News archive

Thriving not surviving

New research from innovative think-tank Mission Models Money (MMM), developed through a partnership with the Cultural Leadership Programme, is exploring and developing a body of theory and practice about the competencies, qualities and attributes that will equip people working in the cultural sector to thrive in the fast changing, complex, uncertain and unpredictable operating environment.

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Fine Art

Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham
17 September 2009 – 1 June 2010

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