Here are a few of Sam West‘s aims and ambitions: o to develop sustainable artist networks that function outside traditional economic frameworks, o to develop models of mutual peer support and provision which bypass the need for government funding, o […]
A new addition to Manchester’s artist-led activity, The Art Corner gallery’s curatorial team comprises emerging artists and art students.
Intermedia Gallery, Glasgow
29 January 2011 to 26 February 2011
Less than 3 weeks to go now until we head off to Tromso……… Last weekend went well at the Threshold festival at CUC. Loads of people can in to see the artwork and listen to the bands. It was a […]
Socially engaged / shared / participatory / collaborative practices – these are some of the areas that we are looking into as part of our research and co-mentoring. We are interested in artists/artist-led projects / organisations working with people and […]
News of current public realm and gallery commissioning projects.
Artists and curators talking in Leeds, Contemporary Art Society in Newcastle and State of the Arts conference in London.
Established in 2007 the annual Northern Art Prize offers four short-listed artists a prominent exhibition at Leeds Art Gallery and opportunity to win a £16,500 award.
Midwest was an artist’s development programme that ran from 2003 to 2008 in the West Midlands. Here we share pdf reports on Midwest’s activity that provide valuable insights into possibilities within artist-led culture.
The British Art Show (BAS) returns to Nottingham five years on for its seventh manifestation, only this time Nottingham plays host as the launching city and the show has a subtitle – ‘In the Days of the Comet’.
Two more exciting events for Conjunction coming up this weekend! 5th Nov 5-6pm Cadman Gallery Staffs University Check out the Private View of the Phil Collins, Adam James and Paul Rooney show! Conjunction 10 Preview 5th November 5-pm 6pm Open […]
The Photographers’ Gallery officially closed its doors to the public for one year on 19 September 2010 to “embark on our ambitious development of the building, creating a new, international home for photography in the UK”.
Two north west projects are creating links between artists, artist-led groups and creative communities.
Profiling studio and workshop facilities around the country, plus ambitious exhibition projects that are engaging with local communities.
As an artist who has entered open submissions and as a manager of an artist-led, not for profit gallery space (Core Gallery, Deptford) which held its first open submission this year, I feel I can give a slightly different insight into this subject than those laid out in the last two issues of a-n, as to what your open submission fees actually go towards (a-n Magazine, September and October 2010).
Liverpool John Moores’ University, Liverpool
7 October 2010
Oh dear! Dissertation mad focus is getting in the way of sharing my potentially briliant (or more likely, jumbled) thoughts with the a-n crew. So i thought I’d post my freelance journal from my website, and also a couple of […]
In the twenty-five years since its foundation, Castlefield Gallery has evolved, adapted and outlived many of the buzz words first used about it, but one thing has remained absolutely constant – its aim to support artists.
A guide to career development and training opportunities as well as related services and resources that are designed to help artists and makers take their practice to the next level.
Featuring a selection of the UK’s arts organisations that are providing vivid cultural life to rural areas.
Alongside AIR’s campaigns and work looking at the issues affecting artists, a group of AIR activists (myself included) have volunteered to play a more active role; raising awareness of the value of artists. These are early days in what will hopefully prove to be long-term and ever-widening effort, but conversation has begun and some activists already have events planned.