Well Trodden Wrong Ways
Thelma Hulbert Gallery -
October 23, 2019 -
October 27, 2019 -
South West England
With funding from an A-N bursary I met and interviewed five sculptors working in the field of ceramics.
Why I applied for an AN bursary and how it is helping create a stepchange in my practice.
Anna Berry continues her reflections on a curatorial residency at Midlands Arts Centre, in partnership with DASH. In this piece – co-published with Disability Arts Online – she gets her hands dirty and starts to learn some of the tricks of the trade.
This week’s selection includes exhibitions in Honiton, London and Herefordshire – all taken from our busy Events section featuring shows and events posted by a-n members.
Hannah Pierce, a-n’s former External Programmes and Partnerships Manager, offers advice on writing applications for a-n’s member opportunities.
This week’s recommended shows include Lucy Austin’s layered paintings at That Art Gallery, Bristol, a group exhibition of dystopian visions at Newlyn Art Gallery, plus the launch of this year’s Platform Graduate Award 2019 series of exhibitions in Oxford.
In the first of a series of articles co-published with Disability Arts Online, artist Anna Berry writes about becoming DASH curator-in-residence at Midlands Arts Centre.
Creative Scotland is running a £400,000 pilot programme to support five of Scotland’s artist-led spaces to explore the best ways to sustain artist-run and collectively organised activity. Glasgow-based artist and writer Jessica Ramm considers the questions that will be asked.
Wed 29 Before leaving the UK I found a few architectural tours that looked worth investigation so decide today will be a day of action. I look online for alternative Plovdiv and find a map of in the city which […]
The annual festival’s Commissions Programme includes works that reflect a mood of uncertainty currently engulfing UK politics while this year’s Platform: 2019 exhibition of early career artists based in Scotland explores ideas of embellishment, identity, sustainability and fandom.
a-n is inviting applications for its Writer Development Programme 2019-20, which will run from October 2019 to March 2020.
a-n is seeking applications from a-n members for its 2019/20 Writer Development Programme, now in its third iteration following successful programmes in 2015/16 and 2017/18. DEADLINE IS NOW PASSED.
As part of our commitment to supporting artists’ professional development, we are offering a-n members remote access to a series of mentoring sessions with our visual arts mentors. DEADLINE IS NOW PASSED.
This week’s selection includes exhibitions and events in Halifax, Stroud, London and Bridport – all taken from a-n’s busy Events section featuring shows and events posted by members.
This week’s recommended shows include a major festival of international sculpture across four venues in Yorkshire, an exhibition in Manchester of work by 17 artists inspired by a 1932 mass trespass, and in London a powerful painting show by three generation-spanning black female artists.
A moment of pause… You take a deep breath before diving in… Check you’re in gear before letting out the clutch… A brief perch on the edge of the sofa… A weekend… The rainy Tuesday when plans go awry… Sit […]
This week’s selection includes exhibitions and events in Lymm, Altrincham, Cardiff, London and Cley-next-the-Sea in Norfolk – all taken from a-n’s busy Events section featuring shows and events posted by members.
Japanese artist Genta Ishizuka wins the €50,000 prize while two UK-based artists receive special mentions.
London’s largest free contemporary art festival returns with a programme of exhibitions and events, taking place over one night and two locations, Walthamstow and King’s Cross. Curator Helen Nisbet and artists Emma Talbot and Joe Namy explain what to expect.
Freelands Foundation survey of the UK’s art sector highlights incremental progress in the public sector, but commercial galleries are still lagging behind in their representation of women artists.
Dr Edwina fitzPatrick, course leader of the MFA Fine Art course at Wimbledon College of Arts, offers advice and explores the key issues to consider when selecting and applying to a postgraduate course.