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Blog Artist

Re:View Bursary Progress

Capturing some of the conversations, ideas and people I encounter whilst using the A-N Re:View bursary I was awarded in 2014.

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News News story

NOW SHOWING #87: The week’s top exhibitions

This week’s UK-wide exhibition selection ranges from a major show of work by Glasgow-based 2008 Turner Prize nominee Cathy Wilkes at Tate Liverpool, to Chinese painter Zhang Enli at Hauser & Wirth Somerset.

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Modern Women

A new exhibition and collaboration between artists Emilia Telese and Binita Walia providing commentaries and insight on how the role of women is shaped and constrained by social, economic and political contexts.

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Blog Post

Too many artists applying for the same thing

Drifting into mid afternoon on my day off, with an untouched ‘opportunity’ printed off and ready to peruse. Can’t be bothered though. My enthusiasm for raising any sort of income from my own work is fast deteriorating. Still no outcome […]

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Blog Post

Forgetting to try

It feels like all my time is being sucked up at the moment  with job hunting, writing proposals  for opportunities/commissions and funding applications.  Pay and conditions in my part time job have become so dire I need to find another […]

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News News story

Art and the election: MPs and artists debate at AUE hustings

Whilst the three main parties were keen to stress a need to redistribute arts funding more evenly around the UK, there was little in the way of concrete pledges at Wednesday evening’s Artists’ Union England Hustings debate in London, addressing issues that directly concern artists in the lead up to the general election. Stephen Palmer reports.

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Resource Guide

Applying the age discrimination law

An overview of the current Age Discrimination law in Great Britain under the Equality Act 2010, followed by a set of action points for arts employers, and guidance for individuals who might want to challenge a decision or a practice.

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Resource Guide

The contracts toolkit

This toolkit is an introduction to the contractual process, enabling artists to assess contracts and to build their own.

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Blog Post

Week 90: 2nd – 8th June

After hearing artist Dr Nicky Bird speak about her work Question for Seller at the Leeds Artist Book Fair in March, I thought it would be useful to meet her for a tutorial. Dr Bird was the first person to graduate […]

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Blog Post

Ethics and Obstacles…

Sonia Boué, Arena y Mar, mixed media on canvas, 2014 For the first time next week I will exhibit alongside Jonathan Moss in a show entitled EXILE, which focuses on the internment camps of France in which Spanish exiles were […]

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