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Research Cultural value

Paying Artists research: Phase 2 findings

Second phase of a-n/AIR-commissioned research, exploring artists’ and venues’ experiences of exhibiting in publicly-funded venues. Phase 2 findings build on data from Phase 1 and are based on interviews conducted with artists and venues.

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Public Projection – Derry-Londonderry
News News feature

Derry-Londonderry and the City of Culture legacy

From the Turner Prize to the recent Lumiere festival, the visual arts has played an important role in Derry-Londonderry’s 12 months as the first UK City of Culture. But as the year draws to a close, what will its legacy be for art and artists in the city?

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Between the eye and the object"

Proposals, Submissions & Commissions…. I have spent the last fortnight sat looking at photographs of buildings, making site visits and whizzing off emails for quotes. Its sad to say that the life of an artist isn’t just about pottering in […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Pointeso Art Scene"

Lower Vaconsoft Commissions and other musings. Guy Halstead. I am not the most efficient reporter I have to admit, but its been a very busy period the last 5 months. Here is a short summary of my activities, I will […]

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Deirdre Finnerty
Event Exhibition

Anne Gibbs | Maker in Focus

  • Archive
  • Venue:
    Mission Gallery
  • From:
    January 14, 2014
  • To:
    February 23, 2014
  • Location:
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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Material Interventions"

The one I almost didn’t make… Chroma 5 was the last set of tiles I assembled. I wasn’t sure that any of the tiles I had left belonged together to make a set, but after looking at them in various […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "The Fairways"

Regrets and Dispointments: As this blog was started to track the changing use of this space I thought I would ride my bike through it, just to keep an eye on whats happening there. I can no longer walk my […]

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still from Double Pendulum
News News story

Climate Change: “Artists can energise people to act”

The Ways of Seeing Climate Change event in Manchester is looking to encourage new collaborations between artists and scientists, while highlighting the positive role artists can play in our understanding of environmental issues and scientific research. We hear from the organisers and some of the artists involved.

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Gagosian, frieze 2013
News News comment

Review: Frieze London – a good education in how the art market works

Is Frieze Art Fair useful in any way to artists and is it good for artists and art? Filmmaker, artist and Frieze first-timer Gillian McIver roams the gallery booths and curated projects at the fair’s vast Regent’s Park marquee and finds the experience useful, enlightening and at times troubling.

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public art gherkin
News News story

Public art: debate questions who and what it is for

A panel including the artist Richard Wentworth, art collector and patron Robert Hiscox and Yorkshire Sculpture Park’s Director of Programmes Clare Lilley, have been debating who should fund public art and what its role should be.

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