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Search Party Vs Lincoln
Resource Archive Feature

Partners in arts

Commentary arising from research into local authority arts organisers’ needs, aspirations and modus operandi, revealing how they value and engage with artists and the approaches they take to their own professional development and to supporting the environment for contemporary visual arts.

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Spontaneous City
Resource Archive Feature

Spontaneous City in the Tree of Heaven

Artists Bruce Gilchrist and Jo Joelson and curator Emma Underhill discuss their collaboration on a project to create a sculptural ‘habitat’ that will contribute to the life cycle of birds in two urban garden locations.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Diary of an Art Historian"

Oh dear! Dissertation mad focus is getting in the way of sharing my potentially briliant (or more likely, jumbled) thoughts with the a-n crew. So i thought I’d post my freelance journal from my website, and also a couple of […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Living the Dream"

I am not posting anywhere near as often as I should be. Last week was a good week- I attended the Jerwood drawing prize private view and prize giving, it was a tremendous turn out, and though not awarded anything […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Diary of an Art Historian"

Back in the UK, slowly recovering from jetlag/brain-freeze, have set up a makeshift ‘office’ in my parents back bedroom, where I’m staying until I finish my dissertation and figure out what to do next. I miss my US-based partner like […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Living the Dream"

I NEED THERAPY, NOT A BLOG. How and why does one experience incredibly unproductive weeks and then have a fantastically inspiring day or two? If I had the time and money, I would go back to University and study Psychology […]

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Sound it Out (Russell and the Wolves)
Resource Archive News archive

Nottingham Sideshow

Sideshow will take place between October and December for the second time around whilst the quinquennial British Art Show visits Nottingham.

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Resource Archive Feature

Reflections on the arts funding crisis

Thoughts from artists and arts professionals about how cuts in public spending will affect their future working pattern. Plus April Britski gives an account of how recent governmental decisions to cut arts funding have affected Canadian artists.

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Resource Archive Feature

Digital visions

Selected round-up of forthcoming events, training courses and professional development opportunities from the world of new media arts and imaging.

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The Big Draw
Resource Archive Feature

The Big Draw at Croft Castle

Kate Raggett and Mandy Fowler give their recollections of an ambitious one-day land art workshop in rural Herefordshire that involved nearly 200 participants, several bales of straw, and a Cessna aircraft.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "My Work, Your Work"

The past few weeks have been difficult. Working full time at The Shed means having to switch off my creative mind and switch on my organised, spreadsheet focused mind. I sort of can obssess about spreadsheets all day so moving […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Continuing Conversations"

Decision time. And mass editing time. Despite having about 80gb worth of video footage, I’ll not being showing any of it (add harsh editing decisions to that). Carpet is staying but is having nothing done to it, no projections, nada. […]

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