Commissioning views
Mark Gubb asks public art commissioners and consultants their views on how they select artists for commissions and what they expect artists to prepare for interview.
Mark Gubb asks public art commissioners and consultants their views on how they select artists for commissions and what they expect artists to prepare for interview.
Conjunction 08 Conjunction 08 is Stoke-on-Trent’s first major Contemporary Art Biennial. Stoke-on-Trent is changing, through the organisations involved in this project we want to ensure this is a change for the better, by ensuring that contemporary art is seen to […]
New commissions by artists Richard Higlett and Jennie Savage will be presented by Locws International to coincide with the Swansea Festival of Music and the Arts.
The October art fair frenzy kicks off with Art London 2-6 October at Royal Hospital Chelsea, celebrating its tenth anniversary by presenting eighty galleries, 1,000 artists and five continents.
Ruth Claxton, Postcard (Portrait of a Boy), cut postcard, 2008. Photo: Stuart Whipps
Naori Priestly who graduated from the Royal College of Art last year with a MA Constructed Textiles is one of 300 makers selected to show in Origin 2008.
Highlighting digital and new media commissions, exhibitions, research and resource developments.
Public artist or visual artist? Open or closed? Fee-paid or speculative? Drawn from interviews, Mark Gubb brings points of view from public art commissioners and consultants into a debate started by artists in the April issue of a-n Magazine.
Rachel Lois Clapham discusses David Blandy’s Artangel commissioned project Radio Nights that aimed to uncover aspects of nocturnal London that would otherwise be invisible to regular city dwellers.
Northcabin, Bristol
31 May 27 June
Tatton Park , Cheshire
3 May 2008 – 28 September 2009
Catherine Wilson addresses three collaborative projects by Rio de Janeiro-based Mauricio Dias and Walter Riedweg who develop works with communities and social groups often on the edges of mainstream society.
Dot/Holly meeting 11am-5pm Friday 18th July Issues Discussed: 1. New Collaborations Bursary: It’s important not to lose sight of our personal collaboration when working on the other/other/other collective: we must present our Mall Survey recordings in another space to see […]
Publicly-funded arts organisations are exhorted to extend participation in the arts by getting more people actively engaged in off-site and public realm programmes. Alongside, those in the business world are increasingly aware of the advantages of bringing artists ideas into development and regeneration projects. Here we highlight selected projects happening over the summer within the wider public domain.
Emilia Telese explores peer review funding for the arts within a holistic art and social environment.
Imagine attending a concert but instead of sitting or standing, you walk.
Animate Projects is looking for ambitious, original and thought-provoking proposals that develop the possibilities of animation: films that explore ideas of what animation is, with new forms and processes, compelling narratives, and challenging content.
Things seems to have accelerated over the last few weeks. I have been successful with my proposal for the Crafts Council commission for Origin and am meeting with them in a couple of weeks. I am going to deconstruct how […]
Recent correspondents have made some very valid points regarding unpaid public art commissions.