I feel amazingly priviledged to be able to just devote weeks to making work, to being given such generous access to the cathedral, to being welcomed by all kinds of individuals along the way. I feel enormously lucky. The work […]
I had a meeting today with the curator Gill Hedley. She came to Joking Aside and had a look round. Because of her high powered reputation, I had managed to build it up into a very nerve wracking experience but […]
On returning home: My first week has been largely occupied by language studies and settling in. The downside to residencies in unfamiliar places is the time spent lost, seeking that which would be easily to hand at home. The upside […]
hello! hhmmm.. ok, i did some dissertation work over the weekend, up to 2290 words, just the same amount again. was up working on the first skull painting last night, it looks good. it was quite easy, actually, only took […]
I'm really interested in how other people's blogs are developing and keep telling myself that I must give myself a bit more time to really delve into them, rather than dipping in and out as I do at the moment […]
I’ve just recieved the Artists Brief from Commissions East which is quite useful. it lays out the aims of the commission as giving me the opportunity to create new work develop my profile out of the region attract attention from […]
A 1991 intercity rail map re-presented to look like a tree; a sculpture that changes position with the seasons and an exhausted Mars slumped against the foliage are three of the works short-listed for the 2007 Jerwood Sculpture Prize.
Sara Raza on Grace Ndiritu, a young London based artist who is enjoying an upwards ascent with an impressive portfolio of national and international exhibitions, that present a fresh style of politics and performativity.
It would seem that politics has taken centre stage in contemporary art.
The British Council plans to redeploy a third of the currently money spent in Europe to Muslim countries in the Middle East and Central Asia.
“Spirit in community will die unless there’s someone calling the meeting.”
They sit in the dark and mope
[or artists take the lead]
Artist as Leader is a programme that aims to understand the ways artists lead through their practice with a view to informing and developing a critical understanding of the role of creativity in culture.
Advice from artists on assessing opportunities
I understand a-n is researching the minefield of public liability insurance for visual artists.
Zoë Walker and Neil Bromwichs Limbo-Land is a multi-media installation focused around the space of oblivion, confinement, or transition.
A £3m investment to Scottish studio development organisation Wasps is designed to make them self-supporting in five years, and no longer dependent on arts revenue funding. A new partnership with the Scottish Arts Council will transform Wasps into one of […]
With inflation about to hit a ten-year high1, to what extent can the practices of artists nowadays resist the pressures of the real world?
Over 4,300 practising artists are already benefiting from AIR
Debra Savage’s case study-based research into the realities of professional artistic practice.
Edited by Street Levels Malcolm Dickson, Free Association anointed the second coming of the Glasgow International at Easter.
A merger between Cywaith Cymru/Artworks Wales and CBAT The Arts & Regeneration Agency, Wales in October has created the largest public art company in the UK.
Every age rewrites its history in its own image. Each age produces art that reflects that image, whether consciously or not.
This month’s Opportunities focus on international residencies, will sit permanently on www.a-n.co.uk1 as a signpost to regular international residencies that have regular deadlines. Artist Michael Cousin2 has researched this focus alongside his busy practice as an artist, and offers some […]
Ive been working in and around transdisciplinary practice for the last twenty years now, and have found it to be a fertile and stimulating ground both for those working consistently within it or just passing through, Ive just noticed that only recently has it started to become fashionable.