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Crying Glasses (an aid to melancholia)
Resource Profile

Hayley Newman

Hayley Newman works performatively, producing live events, film, video and photography. Sally O’Reilly looks at how she investigates modes of documentation and the historical placement of the genre.

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Sod's Lawn
Resource Profile

Tanya Axford

Paul Moss profiles Tanya Axford and discusses the strategies she has employed to maintain her practice.

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A personal history of corruption
Resource Introduction

Artists’ business

Brigid Howarth looks at how Sue Park, Amanda Doughty, Joe Magee and Kuljit Chuhan make a living thourgh selling their work or skills.

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Joshua Sofaer
Resource Introduction

Self-employed artist

Linda Ball explores how self-employed artists operate and how an artist-run business can work.

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Resource Profile

Starter studios

Rebecca Farley profiles the Starter studios programme and looks at how six of the scheme’s previous artists were able to develop their careers.

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Bumpy Bag
Resource Profile

Next move

Heather Rigg profiles Next Move, a national professional development scheme which aims to launch the careers of applied artists.

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Eight-fifty light
Resource Introduction

Artists’ product

Hilary Williams talks to four artists about how they have developed specific products. She learns about their initial motivation and inspiration, how they developed their ideas into production and what marketing strategies they employed for these particular products.

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Resource Guide

Safe working practice

Whilst safe working practice is largely a matter of common sense, it is also a legal and professional issue. This guide by David Pope introduces the key legislation and offers practical advice on risk assessment.

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Resource Guide


Marice Cumber introduces key marketing concepts for artists and offers advice to help target your marketing effectively.

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Babel's Folly
Resource Archive Feature

Cultural condition

Illustrating the approach she brings to her new role at [a-n], Gillian Nicol highlights some of the challenges and opportunities for artists and their practice today, looking broadly at education and employment, status and lifestyle and the impact of widening access to technology.

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Resource Archive News archive

All that clusters…

Located in a ‘cultural industries’ area ourselves for the past three years, we can confirm that the advantages – creative networking and exchange, vibrant working environment, immediate access to like-minded cultural specialists, mutual support in development, etc – are there […]

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I dreamt I was driving my car (country road 2002)
Resource Archive News archive

Barts art

A new commission from Julian Opie has launched redevelopment of the West Wing at Barts as a national Breast Care Centre of Excellence. Architects Greenhill Jenner’s proposal will create a contemporary, state-of-the-art medical facility with strong ‘patient appeal’ whilst celebrating […]

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Still Life – The Green House
Resource Archive Feature

Old spaces for new art

Penelope Curtis explores how ‘installation art’ has affected our readings of art, artists and curators.

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Face corsets
Resource Profile

Paddy Hartley

Since completing an MA in ceramics in 1998, I’ve worked with and in response to a diverse range of people, environments and themes.

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A personal history of corruption
Resource Profile

Joe Magee

I studied at London College of Printing and spent the subsequent decade attempting to master print as a medium.

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Resource Archive News archive

Young curators rewarded

A gallery run by children is amongst recent recipients of a Scottish Arts Council lottery grant. Room 13, a group of primary school children who run an art studio and gallery at Caol Primary School near Fort William, was awarded […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Networked bodies

Networked Bodies is an ongoing research and development project for New Work Network. Through examination of alternative models of funding and commissioning, the aim is to establish a radical new model for commissioning live work. It is envisaged that this […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Times table

Ten years ago: The TWSA project which intended to create a new perception of possibilities for public art in four cities included work by Mona Hatoum. Vong Phaophanit, Richard Deacon, and Donald Rodney; The Spectator Painting Competition offered a £2,000 […]

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Resource Archive Feature

Big business?

Brigid Howarth investigates the multifaceted business of buying and selling in the corporate art market.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Commissioning culture

The Culture Company, an independent commissioning agency based in Huddersfield, aims to promote surprising and creative interventions in everyday places. Their remit combines the programming of events as diverse as exhibitions, festivals, conferences and commissions, working with both public and […]

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Outside in
Resource Archive News archive

Made to order

A high percentage of Jennie Moncur’s work is commissioned. Since 1986, alongside undertaking a range of private commissions, she has built up a portfolio of public works including thirty tapestries; painted fabrics and rugs for Jardine Insurance Brokers; laser-cut linoleum […]

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Pink Rubber Guns
Resource Archive Feature

Pay back

David Jeffreys looks at the issue of arts funding and considers whether there’s a catch to the expansion of public spending.

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Teabag tea tent
Resource Archive Feature

Best western

Drifting south west to Cornwall, Alan Bleakley describes PALP, an artist-led group committed to experimental, collaborative and socially inclusive projects.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Generating income

Last February Jennifer Vickers completed a two-year residency at Manchester Metropolitan University as part of North West Arts Board’s Setting up Scheme. “During the early stages of this placement I struggled to make any kind of profit from my practice, […]

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