Hello reader, Be you dedicated blogoree since day one, or just visiting to find out more about my art practice; mostly THANK YOU =>>>> for blogging on with me The degree show boot was as expected; leathery and steel capped, […]
Views on cultural policy and the environment for contemporary practice.
Everything comes down today – exhibition over, finished and done, and with it possibly a final parting of the ways. Normally Graduation Day would provide an opportunity to say goodbye and wish people well for the future, but this year […]
Raffles Art Cafe, Nottingahm
5 May 2006 to 5 May 2006
Tristan Hessing of Moot reports from the NAN-NANA event.
The Comment article published in a-n Magazines June issue raises a number of points that need to be addressed.
It’s been a strange old week, one of those that seems to stretch back forever when you try and recall it but has flashed by while you lived it. That’s probably because I’ve been hunched over the computer for a […]
I’m writing this on Sunday evening. R and M are off with the horse, eventing at Ivesley (apparently she’s doing very well) while I’m slowly demolishing a delicious bottle of Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc; I can recommend it highly. It’s not […]
The Meeting of Minds Brain Sciences Project1 put citizens from nine European countries in open dialogue with brain scientists and policymakers, to explore and make decisions on key future concerns.
Blob blog blobby blog. Bloggy bog. Bogster, blogster, blooog, bloogy bloggy blobbin bloogoid Hello Watched a really good Ang Lee film Sat night, The Ice Storm. It was like constantly watching the plastic bag bit in American Beauty for the […]
Dear blog, what a difference six days can make. You know something’s awry when you’re connecting with the philosophical strapline of a bank advert (?) “because it’s good to be normal again”. (Or something to that effect) For the first […]
A quick note for Mike before I start. Yes, I do know what you mean. My Welsh connections aside, I think West Wales and Cardigan Bay are some of the most beautiful places anywhere on earth. I gave up a […]
1) Welcome! The Introduction. Phew, you would not believe how tricky it is to begin a blog. (See note 1). The internet is hardly a Winnie The Pooh diary tucked under bed, not that I possess one. So, to all […]
Artist David Macintosh takes a personal look at collaborative working.
Mike Stubbs examines some issues facing artists.
David Briers examines The British Art Show 4.
Simon Herbert on approaches to distributing art.
Godfrey Worsdale on artists who explore moral issues.
David Butler discusses artists and urban regeneration.
Susannah Silver reports from the Visual Arts Network of South Africa conference.
Outer space investigates the interface between artists’ practice and the socio-political domain. Devised and edited by Esther Salamon, contributors include Chris Batt MLA, Paul Collard Creative Partnerships, Jonathan Davis CABE, David Lammy MP Minister for Culture, Graham Leicester International Futures Forum and Tom Shakespeare.
The Art Gallery, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen
20 January 19 February
Susannah Silver catches up with artists involved in one of the first NAN Scotland events at Cove Park, and finds out about networking in rural areas.
In November, some forty representatives of directors, visual artists and writers from thirteen European countries met in Amsterdam for a conference organised by EURO-MEI.
Biographies of Import/Export speakers.