This year has seen Welsh artist Bedwyr Williams represent his country at the Venice Biennale while, amongst other things, next year he will play a starring role in the programme for the Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art. If only his big toe wasn’t hurting so much…
The Practice of Everyday Life… I haven’t done much since finishing that pair of pants. I don’t intend to now until after Christmas. I know I said in a previous post I was going to start on the greatcoat, but […]
You don’t learn from what you know… you learn from what you don’t know! Obvious really, but oft forgotten me thinks… I forgot… took for granted… thought I was safe… secure with the knowledge of a lifetimes gathering… Complacency. I […]
Part 2 Don’t Panic: Arts in Austerity Symposium (my notes) The next session was a panel discussion chaired by Ed McKeon, with panelists: Pauline Tambling – Creative & Cultural Skills Susan Jones – a-n Abigail […]
Don’t Panic symposium, Final session (4) “Calculating risk, Playing safe” Chaired by Gillian Moor, Southbank Centre Jochem Valkenburg, Holland Festival Graham Vick, Birmingham Opera, Artistic Director, Opera and Theatre Director Joanna Seguro- freelance music producer – Faster than Sound, Aldeburgh […]
Had a good tutorial with Rolf yesterday. It made me think about how important critical distance is, and how difficult that distance is when I am in the making process. This might well be at the heart of my wrestle […]
I won a ticket to the Fourth Third Ear Symposium 2013: Don’t Panic! – Arts in Austerity at the Southbank. I’m rubbish at tweeting but apparently others were doing it on the day (Friday Dec 6th) #artsinausterity I was trying […]
Why you don’t need to Debut: Part One I heard recently about the furore surrounding an enterprise called Debut Contemporary. This is an outfit that runs a kind of finishing school for art graduates. Appropriately it’s in Notting Hill, location […]
The Beginning of History is over. On the penultimate day of the show we had an ‘artists and curator in conversation’ session which I’d long been looking forward to. I’m not a lover of private views, tend to feel a […]
The Spa, Scarborough
24 November 2012 – 23 November 2013
Proposals, Submissions & Commissions…. I have spent the last fortnight sat looking at photographs of buildings, making site visits and whizzing off emails for quotes. Its sad to say that the life of an artist isn’t just about pottering in […]
Spa Conference Centre, Scarborough
23 – 24 November 2013
Various across Lincoln, Lincoln
17 – 24 October 2013
An icy chill has descended, seemingly out of nowhere. The Public Art studios were freezing today – not as cold as Rogue Studios can be, but getting there. I spent last night and this morning finalizing a presentation about my […]
<CP> Eddie and I worked on our first shoot on Saturday. Mixed with excitement, I’d been worrying about it too. While chatting over coffee with a friend the day before I became aware that I was not listening to what […]
This month has been a proper UP and DOWN in my practice. UP because I have been pleased with the reception of “La Mujerzuela (The floozy)” from people. I know that there is more potential in playing with these objects […]
Over a 1000 artists descended on Scarborough for the Art Party Conference, instigated by the artist Bob and Roberta Smith. A day of marching, debating and discussion, a-n joined in the action with provocations and special events. Jack Hutchinson reports.
Written or spoken text became part of art practices particularly since the conceptualists. Language is used immediate and direct, as a mechanism, narrative, a mirror, statement and critique. Is text a material? Lawrence Weiner once noted, language is the medium […]
First I couldn’t wait, then I found it looming: the day before the private view my head was a meeting-place for a vociferous, foul-mouthed community of doubts, all shouting at the same time. Was my work good enough to be […]
Published by Stour Valley Arts/ The Beaney House of Art & Knowledge, Canterbury
22 June 2013 – 31 December 2014
Prologue It is almost 9 years since my mother, Parvin Azadeh Rieu, was swept away in the Asian Tsunami of 2004, an event which not only totally transformed my personal life, but my arts practice too. Why? perhaps because I […]
I wish I could scream & shout… Tonight’s rehearsal is somehow quite revelatory. This piece won’t be easy to make. I started properly to work on it last week, juggling with thoughts about its central theme, talking to friends about […]
Artists/Practitioners sharing this Loopart13 November residency (pt. 3) Matthew Goodsmith Yi Xin Yan Already you see that we are a diverse bunch, but also there are obvious connections from the word go: a lot […]