Walking my chihuahua-pomeranian, Bella, this morning, trying to be mindful and appreciate the moment, the few days we get of curling Autumn breezes here before it just gets cold, thinking about what a practice is. I like Sophie Cullinan’s idea […]
Um, so, ever since I heard people, lecturers, talking about ‘art practice’ on my foundation course in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, I’ve been curious as to what the term actually means, and why it’s so important to us to have a ‘practice.’ Rather […]
Just before I went away, I wrote about how for the first time, I felt that I’d actually earned a holiday this year. I’ve been thinking about this, intrigued about where this new train of thought has come from. I’ve […]
I don’t want this to sound like one huge trumpet blowing exercise, but I’m having a really good week. The purpose of this blog is not just to tell you readers what I’m up to, what and how I’m thinking, […]
Unlike many international art biennials, Liverpool Biennial has deep roots in its host city’s contemporary art scene. As the festival reaches an intriguing point in its 13-year history, with a new director and considerably reduced budget, we assess its importance to the city’s visual arts infrastructure.
Am I able to sustain my practice at the same time as maintaining a blog, I asked when I started writing ‘Keeping It Going.’ In the absence of a studio and access to this blog over the past two weeks, […]
Andrew Bryant talks to a-n blogger Jack Hutchinson about the relationship between drawing and obsession, and about his residency and exhibition at the Nunnery Gallery in East London.
A good conversation last night with Desmond Brett and Lee Grandjean. The discussion ranged back and forth but focussed initially on drawing within sculpture and sculptural drawing and perhaps the bits in between. It seems the two invited speakers are […]
Approaching the first anniversary of my move to Stockholm it is not surprising that I am looking back as well as forwards. It is hard for me to believe that this time last year I was packing up my house […]
Bartosz Beda is fast approaching the completion of his MA at Manchester School of Art in September 2012 with a slot in Saatchi New Sensations to follow straight after. We talk to the artist about his multi-lingual practice ahead of further exhibitions across Europe and a six-month scholarship at The Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden.
Part 1 I’ve been procrastinating with this blog. I’ve felt a bit unsure of how to proceed because it seemed like I was doing a lot of ‘advertising’, to borrow David Riley’s word. The reality is curating This ‘Me’ of […]
In June 2012, following four years of study in the Painting and Printmaking department at Glasgow School of Art (GSA), Nick Thomas exhibited his final year work. By July he had helped put together ‘NEW FIRM’, an exhibition by himself and 46 of his peers, at London’s Candid Arts Trust. We caught up with him, in Glasgow, on his return.
It is time for a (new) weekly schedule. Yesterday was my first morning at my new school and I realise that this course is going to require a lot of work. It is vital that I keep up with both […]
Show&Tell has been on summer break….However, yesterday I asked on twitter: What keeps you motivated to work in the arts? Here are the rather,brilliant,insightful tweet answers so far. Tweet yrs @rosalinddavis #artsworth @thebenstreet Obstinance….Fun (honest answer) @thisladypaints the constant urge […]
The cat came as a tomato – Good book! More details: http://www.southlondongallery.org/page/the-cat-cam… The cat came as a tomato catalogues the South London Gallery’s three-year long programme Making Play. The programme, which revolved around six artists taking up residency in a […]
Have been having a good time: talking about practice, moving things forward on the new studio front, researching drawings and getting on in the studio. The drawings are a record of time taken. Also visited lightship LV21, currently sporting Jon […]
Writing an honest account of what happened last week was cathartic – ‘better out than in’ as my Nana always used to say. She was right of course – sharing the angst felt liberating and brought in some unexpected but […]
Blackall Studios, Shoreditch, London
5 – 8 August 2012
WOW! What an amazing day! Those of you who follow this blog regularly may remember in May I posted the creative goings on during Taunton’s Olympic torch ceremony, one of those in particular being, ‘The Somerset Journey’ which began on […]
I’ve finished my paper, now working on my folio and I’m happy to say that I’ve been drawing and making, isn’t that fabulous?! And all of my pieces are liable to topple in a moment, I’ve already disassembled five towers […]
I usually have a clear vision of what I want to say and the direction in which my thoughts will take me when I sit down to write these posts – this week is different. It’s been a week of […]
I had an interesting trip to Munich recently and had the pleasure of visiting the Student show at the Art Academy (Akademie der Bildenden Kunste Munchen). I was wowed by the building and envious of the high windowed studio spaces. […]