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Artists’ livelihoods: a concern shared internationally

While strategies to pay artists better are forging ahead in the UK, this vital issue is also on high on the agenda in some other countries. Susan Jones reports on Working Artists: aspects of art and labour, a recent conference in South Korea which she also spoke at.

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Who pays artists: art, value and the importance of a shared ethos

The issue of artists’ pay and exploitation in the US is prompting a variety of responses that question what it means to be an artist in the current economic climate. Abigail Satinsky, associate director at Chicago’s Threewalls gallery, surveys the landscape and asks whether we need to look at how we value and define art and artists.

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Resource Guide

Associate programmes for artists

What are artists’ associate programmes and what do they offer within the broad landscape of artists’ professional development? What should artists consider before applying? Based on extensive research into sixty arts organisations across England, Scotland and Wales, this guide by Dany Louise offers artists help in thinking through the various options available to them.

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Research Working practice

Fees to artists for exhibiting – models of practice

This report – the sixth in the Paying Artists research portfolio – draws together examples of how artists’ fees for exhibiting are arrived at in Sweden, Norway, Canada and Poland; and the conditions and contexts that underpin their application.

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If other professions were paid like artists...
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If other professions were paid like artists…

Why do so many artists get asked to work for free, so often? And what’s the best way for an artist to deal with these requests, and ensure they’re financially secure and their work is valued? Michelle Aldredge explores the problem and encourages ‘mindful decision-making’ as a way forward.

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News News story

No Boundaries symposium: free ticket offer for artists

20 free delegate passes, specifically for emerging independent artists, have been made available to February’s No Boundaries symposium on the role of culture in 21st century society. But applicants need to be quick – the deadline is 5pm on Tuesday 11 February.

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News News story

ACE funding strategy: Lottery money for NPOs, fair pay for artists

Arts Council England has set out its agenda for arts investment for 2015-18, and alongside an announcement that the National Portfolio Organisation budget will combine Lottery funding with government grant-in-aid for the first time, ACE also says it is expecting NPOs to pay artists fairly.

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Research Cultural value

A guide to research into fees and payments to artists

Susan Jones introduces a collation of key documents and evidence that informed a-n’s publication of fees and payments guidance and good practice documents in 2003-04. The report aims to widen understanding of the history of, and prior good practice thinking around, payment to artists.

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