Dear Reader, Today I attemped to document the difficult terrain around campus. The ground surrounding the Arts Building (although easily over looked by the able bodied) is extremely difficult to navigate from a wheelchair. The ground is uneven with pot […]
26 June – 27 July 2022, Ontario and Quebec, Canada
Resident for two weeks at Artscape Gibraltar Point Center of the Arts, Toronto islands, Toronto Ontario; one week at Val David Writers and Artist residency, Quebec
37 High Street, Whitstable CT5 1AP
part of East Kent Artists’ Open Houses 2022 running on the weekends of 15th and 16th and 22nd and 23rd October.
Research relating to current commission: Remembering Together: Co-Creating Covid Community Memorials Sumi painting, inkjet printer ink on paper ink circles as a tool for curiosity, healing and expression From a collection of ink drawings, I ask public to select three […]
From unraveling the invisible to tracking the traces of the unseen.
Exhibition highlights featuring a-n members, including Maybelle Peters in Nottingham, early-career artists in Hull and Northern Irish craft.
Sometimes it is easier to document you and your artistic journey than it is to focus a little closer to home.
There’s a definite autumnal ‘back to school’ feel in the air which makes me feel like I need to get myself organised. I have a lot coming up in terms of sorting my home & work spaces and so it […]