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Blog Post

Documenting Difficulty

Dear Reader, Today I attemped to document the difficult terrain around campus. The ground surrounding the Arts Building (although easily over looked by the able bodied) is extremely difficult to navigate from a wheelchair. The ground is uneven with pot […]

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Blog Artist

Reflections on this summer art residencies

26 June – 27 July 2022, Ontario and Quebec, Canada
Resident for two weeks at Artscape Gibraltar Point Center of the Arts, Toronto islands, Toronto Ontario; one week at Val David Writers and Artist residency, Quebec

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Blog Artist

Dressing Up: A Collaboration

37 High Street, Whitstable CT5 1AP
part of East Kent Artists’ Open Houses 2022 running on the weekends of 15th and 16th and 22nd and 23rd October.

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ink drawings
Blog Artist

Colour notes on the first pandemic in the digital age

Research relating to current commission: Remembering Together: Co-Creating Covid Community Memorials Sumi painting, inkjet printer ink on paper ink circles as a tool for curiosity, healing and expression From a collection of ink drawings, I ask public to select three […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Keeping It Going"

There’s a definite autumnal ‘back to school’ feel in the air which makes me feel like I need to get myself organised. I have a lot coming up in terms of sorting my home & work spaces and so it […]

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