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Blog Post

Time for fun as well as work

There has to be time for fun… not that work can’t be fun as well and maybe should be, but anyhow the studio collective got together for a shared lunch the other day as a send off for one of […]

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Blog Post

The Story Of A Failed Rock

One of my main aims for this year has been to find opportunities to continue to work on a larger scale – to make things that are bigger than me – but at the same time my mind is full […]

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Resource Profile

Artist-led: Hack & Host

Hack & Host in Hull was established in 2015 by three local arts workers as a public forum for structured conversations about contemporary art. Lydia Ashman reflects on how the project has been impacted by Hull City of Culture 2017 and speaks to associated artist, Clare Holdstock, about Hack & Host’s ongoing appetite for debates about art and politics.

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Resource Profile

Artist-led: Keep It Complex

Formed in 2016 in the run up to the EU referendum, Keep It Complex: Make it Clear is a loose collective of London-based artists and cultural workers. Its members aim to challenge apathy and fear by providing people with ‘tools and ideas to get involved with everyday politics’. Lydia Ashman reflects on the ways in which the group use their skills and networks as artists to facilitate conversation in a divided world.

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Resource Profile

Artist-led: Market Gallery

Market Gallery has been part of Glasgow’s artist-led ecology since 2000. The gallery is led by a volunteer committee and operates from a shop unit in the working-class neighbourhood of Dennistoun, where it presents a varied programme of exhibitions, events and residencies. Lydia Ashman talks to artist and committee member Catalina Barroso-Luque about how the gallery is responding to a reduction of resources through its programme and structure.

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Resource Profile

Artist-led: Low Profile

Low Profile is a collaboration between Plymouth-based artists Rachel Dobbs and Hannah Jones. This profile includes two videos, recorded at Assembly Cardiff, in which Dobbs and Jones discuss how living in Plymouth has shaped their attitudes as artists and cemented their commitment to making things happen in their city.

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Blog Post

Drawing on the wall

This week I’ve been leaving a bit of time to reflect on the experiments with materials I started last week and have re-focused on drawing while I let things develop. One of my aims for this year is to move […]

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Blog Post

The project in the wider context of my practice

Walks With Other Artists represents the first time that I have actively sought to generate work through my actions, rather than have ideas come to me over time and then figure out a way to present them. This shouldn’t be […]

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Blog Post

UNION 1 (Leeds)- The Sunday

SUNDAY 13 JANUARY 2019 Got up, packed, wrote a secret thank you note for my hosts to find after I’ve gone which I left in my room (I wonder if they’ve found it yet?), and went downstairs for breakfast. David […]

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Blog Post

Seacroft Residency (UNION 1)

How do I even begin to explain? Honestly. Last weekend (11-13 January 2019) I officially began my UNION journey. I’ve been looking forward to it starting for ages even though I wasn’t sure to expect in the slightest. The first […]

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Blog Post

UNION 0; Before the Kick Off

This time next week, I’ll have finished my first of the five weekend residencies and officially embarked on the UNION journey. I’m honoured to have been one of the 20 artists, activists, makers, writers, musicians, changemakers to have been invited […]

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Blog Post

2018: My Year In Review

  Are you ready? Are you ready for the obligatory ‘let’s-have-a-recap-of-the-past-year’ blog post? Why not start this new a-n blog with a recap of the last year? In terms of Art, without a shadow of a doubt this has been […]

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Blog Post

Create to Move: Collective Introductions

Create to Move is a collaborative practice between Emma Macleod (visual artist), Fiona Hermse (visual artist, jeweller & community artist) and Emma Snellgrove (choreographer & dancer). We are a recently formed collaborative arts collective.  Key to our practice is a […]

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Blog Post

Create to Move: St Margaret’s House Residency

A reflection on Create to Move Residency at St Margaret’s House in July 2018. Blog by Emma Macleod (visual artist) The first of our Create to Move residencies as part of our AN Artist Bursary, was a 3 week-long residency […]

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Blog Artist

Create to Move

A blog about Create to Move – a collaborative project with Emma Macleod, Fiona Hermse and Emma Snellgrove. We were supported by AN to develop our working practice through a residency as part of the Artist Bursary 2018. This blog is a reflection on our residencies.

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Event Exhibition


  • Archive
  • Venue:
    Leeds Arts University
  • From:
    January 09, 2019
  • To:
    January 31, 2019
  • Location:
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