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Blog Post

The Final Countdown

Lithuania First week back into uni didn’t actually happen until October for myself and a few others, as we travelled to Lithuania for a week’s residency (22nd – 29th September): We flew to Kaunas airport from Stansted, met by Rimantas […]

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Blog Post

Evaluation #2 10 Minute Residency

Point 4 – Interview Booth The final point was an opportunity to interview artists/artist parents/creatives to see if there were any commonalities in there response to the previous questions and ask them specifically about their professional development needs. This is […]

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Blog Post


MILK up to 1 month Fee – None Travel – None Accommodation – None Expectations- North East based artist. Make work in gallery space Resartist, Open Roads, 3 weeks Fee – None Travel – None Accommodation – $750 Expectations […]

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Blog Post

day two

Kongsvinger  |  3 degrees  |  cloudy back at the Sentralstasjon hot coffee in hand all about are padded and muffled grey and black matt and flat gloves and hats + hiking boots the train travels smoothly out of the city […]

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Blog Post

Reflection #5

I’ve found this week quite challenging and mentally draining at times; the work is developing, however I feel overwhelmed by ideas and certain elements of my practice. It could be due to the fact that formative assessments are around the corner […]

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Resource Guide

Negotiating a better rate of pay

Getting paid a fair fee is not suggestive of a revolution. So why does it sometimes incur resistance, both from those who pay and from ourselves? This guide by Rod McIntosh introduces ideas towards getting paid what you want and indeed deserve.

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Blog Post


As part of my research into artist residencies I have been talking to SWAGGERJACK who where Samarbeta artists in resident in the club space at Islington Mill from 11/01/15-18/01/15. SWAGGERJACK are artists John Powell-Jones and Callum Stephen Higgins […]

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Blog Post

Reflection #4

The seminar this week with Judit Bodor was about opportunities in the art world; there are opportunities out there you just have to grab them when you can and if there are’nt any then create them. We had a discussion […]

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News News feature

Artists’ Books #3: Proviso by Nancy Campbell

Artist and poet Nancy Campbell explores the disappearing languages and environments of the Arctic in her latest limited edition work, which launches later this week at a book fair in London. Sarah Bodman tells the story behind Proviso.

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Blog Post

1 Day Research Residency

To learn more about artist residencies I went to London for a research trip and visited Gasworks and Shape Arts. I had tried to make an appointment with Gasworks although with the building only just re-opening this month after a […]

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