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Event Exhibition

Ben Freeth

  • Archive
  • Venue:
  • From:
    October 19, 2015
  • To:
    November 15, 2015
  • Location:
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Event Exhibition

Joanne Masding

  • Archive
  • Venue:
  • From:
    October 19, 2015
  • To:
    November 14, 2015
  • Location:
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News News feature

British Art Show 8: how Leeds’ independent and artist-led scene is responding

British Art Show 8 opens in Leeds on Friday 9 October and the city – currently bidding to be European Capital of Culture 2023 – is responding with a raft of additional activity. Leeds-based writers and artists Amelia Crouch and Lara Eggleton report on what the city’s homegrown and artist-led organisations are up to as Leeds City Council throws its support behind a showcase of the city’s buoyant visual arts scene.

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Blog Post

Don’t say the ‘r’ word

This week I have been firming up dates and plans for my artist parent residency research event at Manchester Art Gallery in November. I wanted to use a space that can accommodate everyone with activities for the children and adults […]

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Blog Post

The Golden Age has gone

This past week has been about listening and taking snapshots of residencies popping up on social media. A good listen was Susan Jones lecture about artists pay since the 90s up until today and it seems that back then it […]

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Resource Guide

How to price your work

Artists, gallerists and curators offer tips and guidance on how to price work when exhibiting in group shows, selling at open studios, or applying for open competitions.

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News News feature

Plymouth Art Weekender: an ambitious event in a changing city

The inaugural Plymouth Art Weekender presents work across the city by over 400 local, national and international artists. Artist and AIR Council member Steven Paige welcomes this audacious new festival and looks at how the city’s visual art ecology has developed in the five years since British Art Show 7.

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Blog Post

Re: the search

For the past two weeks I have been letting myself indulge in online searching clicking on anything that relates to my interests in residencies, diversity, sharing, and research. I often have a sprawling approach to looking online although I am […]

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Resource Guide

What is a contract?

A contract is an agreement between two or more people that is legally binding. It can be verbal or written. This guide by Sheena Etches and Nicholas Sharp outlines the essential ingredients of a contract, offer and acceptance, and implied terms.

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Blog Post

Its Official

Finally after part self-funding a research trip to Finland, developing the idea over the past 18 months and a second attempt of applying to Arts Council England my project has been funded. I have to start by giving my thanks […]

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Blog Post

Covert residency manifesto

A covert artist residency is uninvited, unfunded and self directed, so undercover, if you will. What is an artist residency anyway? They seems to vary as much as the places they happen, but basically, an arrangement is made for an […]

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Blog Post

What is a residency anyway

This was a self-directed, unfunded project, devised after completing my MA in fine art. I used the V&A as my studio, my place to think, write, research, study and to make work. I have a long personal history with the […]

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Blog Artist

Fostering the exchange of ideas & artist collaboration at MSB2015

Organised by Castlefield Gallery Associates in Manchester, Bloc Projects in Sheffield and Extra Special People in Birmingham. The idea behind the three-part residency exchange focuses on providing artists with opportunities for making work in quick, experimental contexts.

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