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Reconfigured Folds
Event Exhibition

RBS Bursary Awards 2012

  • Archive
  • Venue:
    Royal British Society of Sculptors
  • From:
    November 15, 2012
  • To:
    December 14, 2012
  • Location:
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Tatham & O'Sullivan
News News story

Countdown to Art Across the City 2012

As media sponsor, a-n is pleased to support Art Across the City 2012, which will see Swansea hosting an exciting programme of new public art commissions this September.

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Improving the Construction of Image
Resource Profile

Graduate interview: Nick Thomas

In June 2012, following four years of study in the Painting and Printmaking department at Glasgow School of Art (GSA), Nick Thomas exhibited his final year work. By July he had helped put together ‘NEW FIRM’, an exhibition by himself and 46 of his peers, at London’s Candid Arts Trust. We caught up with him, in Glasgow, on his return.

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Exiles of the Shattered Star
Resource Profile

Kelly Richardson

Matthew Hearn profiles the practice of Kelly Richardson, with particular focus on her approach to working internationally, and her recent commission for Pixel Palace at Tyneside Cinema.

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Chris in his studio
Resource Profile

Career profile: Chris Agnew

After his first solo show in London this June, Richard Taylor talks to Chris Agnew about MA study, moving his studio practice to Romania, individualising professional practice, plus much more.

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Carlos Garaicoa: I Don't Want to See My Neighbours Anymore (I)
News News story

CCA Derry-Londonderry enters a new phase

This is CCA Derry-Londonderry’s final week in its current space before reopening in a much bigger building, just in time for the city’s year as the inaugural UK City of Culture. Co-director Johan Lundh explains the move.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "GOING PUBLIC"

Hi both How can we still be in the a-n blog top 10 when we have so sadly neglected our joint blog? All those dissapointed people. Elena, Franny and Julie are on here like hoeopathic vibrations in the ether and […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "ALAS Residency"

Wednesday was the last day of presentations, we saw Seetha Alagapan, Karolina Magnusson-Murray, Ventiko, Charley Peters and Zoe Fudge Seetha works in collaboration as Moorland Productions. She has exhibited widely in Europe and participated in many residencies, so it was […]

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News News story

Artquest is ten

Congratulations to Artquest, which is celebrating a landmark anniversary today! For more than ten years Artquest has successfully encouraged critical engagement and provided invaluable practical support to visual artists.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "a networked practice"

I have just sent out the first instalment of my mailing list! It read as follows: Welcome to the first instalment of the Ryan Hughes Projects Mailing List! I’ve got a few things going on over the next few months […]

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Lace in Place
Resource Archive Feature

Art in unconventional settings

A round-up of projects that explore approaches to making and siting art beyond conventional white cube spaces – from travelling fairgrounds and riverboat processions to site-responsive installations and public sculpture.

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Artists work in 2011
Resource Research paper

Artists’ work in 2011

This Research paper forms part of a series that looks specifically at the nature and value of openly-advertised work and opportunities for visual and applied artists. Drawing on data published on, this series set out in 2007 to track […]

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Research Working practice

Artists’ work in 2011

Part of an annual series of papers analysing data about artists’ employment opportunities, patterns and incomes. Narrative compares between years and tracks changes from previous years.

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Artists work in 2011
Resource Research paper

Artists’ work in 2011

This Research paper forms part of a series that looks specifically at the nature and value of openly-advertised work and opportunities for visual and applied artists. Drawing on data published on, this series set out in 2007 to track on an ongoing basis the key categories of awards/fellowships, academic posts, art vacancies, commissions, exhibitions, residencies and competitions/prizes, and by doing so, to identify any trends arising, and provide commentary and contextual evidence and analysis from other related sources, to contribute to arts and cultural consultations and policy.

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