Untitled blog post from "a networked practice"
Again I can’t really remember what was in my last post but I’m fairly certain I had started both my my residencies so I’m going to talk about what I’ve been up to this week… Monday I was working at […]
Again I can’t really remember what was in my last post but I’m fairly certain I had started both my my residencies so I’m going to talk about what I’ve been up to this week… Monday I was working at […]
After the degree Show Oct 11 The Degree Show finished towards the end of June and then over the first 4 weeks I focused on entering formal competitions: New Sensations, The Jerwood Drawing Prize & Great Britons. I also made […]
The past 7 days has seen the start of two residencies! One is a month in duration at The Lombard Method in Birmingham. During this residency I am exploring how you can experience a specific space from a distance; taking […]
After his show for New Work Scotland Programme at Collective Gallery, Edinburgh and before his solo show at Liverpool’s Royal Standard, Oliver Braid shares some thoughts on his career as an artist so far, including ideas on how to make a self-made residency and how to organise your own ‘graduate diary’.
CCA Andratx (Majorca), Andratx
29 September 2011 – 4 March 2012
I was artist in residence for 2 years at this beautiful (unfunded) 5 acre nature reserve. Basing my MA project and Thesis upon my work there. I fell in love with it and was determined to stay working with them. […]
December is nearly over. What have I accomplished in these past few months?! I have managed to move into a lovely house, then break both arms, lose my job and find myself broke (in more ways than one), realise a […]
Time is running out fast. We lost electricity again, so our electricity box was beeping, so the neighbours came out again to see what is going on. They must think we are idiots – this is the third time this […]
I’ve had a few days off from work at Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum and have taken the oppertunity to work on making an A-Board (see attached photo)… its still not finished, It needs the chains trimming and a […]
Spinning plates – This feels like a good metaphor for where I’m at. My heads busy but I feel like I’m actually stopping myself from moving forward. Where am I going? How do I get there? 1) Projects for schools; […]
She came over. She is such a lovely person. Gentle,quiet, but at the same time, a great conversationalist who is giving me a lot of insight into the everyday idealogies of China. She has started to help translate my shoots […]
Ruth Ben-Tovim and Anne-Marie Culhane discuss two collaborative projects that focus on exchange, community and participation.
Jack Hutchinson speaks to volunteers at Surface Gallery, an independent, artist-led gallery and studio complex in Nottingham. Its expansive programme involves exhibitions, talks and residencies.
Having been away for 10 days, and having kept a journal, of sorts, of my experiences, I would like to include some extracts here. But first to put my ‘get-away’ into context: I was offered a residency at *Brisons Veor, […]
I think this period is about taking stock. Over the past decade and a half I have been very busy. Yesterday I compiled a list of all the residencies I have undertaken since 2000 as part of preparation for a […]
Three years after graduating from Glasgow School of Art photographer Elizabeth Wewiora discusses her career path so far and takes us along for the ride.
We have moved into an apartment – indoor stadium area, about five stops out from People’s Square. It has two bedrooms and 2 bathroom – so Pablo is in Heaven. He has overtaken our bedroom as the designated play room. […]
Some things have been happening. I have a solo show opening @ ARTicle Gallery in Birmingham opening 30/11/2011 and running until 16/12/2011. I’m going to be showing We’ve been Re-Distributed. I will also be giving a talk around my practice […]
Artists and designers embracing digital learning, production and distribution.
So this is a little funny for me to write/you to read as my second blog entry on my laptop, which has decided not to work since Thursday. Lots has happened since I last wrote my last blog entry, but […]