I’ve hit that point of the work where I’ve done all of the preparation for the event, and now its just waiting for the actual moment when people arrive… in 4 days time… soooo…. Yeah. The marketing has been done; […]
Had a nice day at the centre yesterday with Carolyn. With the Library being closed, it was predictably very quiet, but then, we were warned about that. I wonder how other residencies fare ? Looking through some of the blogs, […]
Anthony Schrag An exhibition of work as part of Standpoint Futures Residency Programme 28 July 2011 12-8pm; artist’s talk and drinks at 6.30pm 29 July 2011 12-6pm Focusing on the physical sensations of the body rather than intellect and/or ideas, […]
We have visited Scotland! Whilst in Edinburgh we spent inspirational afternoon talking to Kate Grey, Director of Collective Gallery and Debi Banerjee, Participation Leader. Kate talked about how her interests in collaboration, exchange and dialogue are reflected in the gallery […]
Manick Govinda on the relationship between artist and society.
S Mark Gubb on the economic and ecological implications of artists’ practice.
ELEVENTH MONDAY – AFTERWORD People came to see the work on the Thursday and Saturday open days for TEN MONDAYS and I had several interesting conversations including one about repetition and ritual. This has extended my ideas about how to […]
ts Beall began her residecny at Standpoint on 16th May, with her public presentation of work taking place on 16th – 17th June which included an artist talk. Plese see below for further details. t s Beall – final residency […]
Phoebe Cummings, Flora, detail from the floor of the residency studio, Victoria & Albert Museum, unfired clay, 2010. Photo: Sylvain Deleu
A look at current projects and commissions taking place in unconventional settings.
Report from the recent conference held in London.
i have been doing a lot of thinking since coming home, mainly about residencies. so i thought i would try and formulate some sort of collection of thinking about it all & then thought this would be the best place […]
June 2011 Black Isle Residency Funded by RSA Residencies for Scotland Bursary in association with Creative Scotland and the Cromarty Arts Trust As the bus made its way up the winding highland roads my face split into a grin. I […]
New evidence exposing, quantifying and discussing the likely impact on the visual arts of Arts Council England’s decisions on fifteen previously Regularly Funded Organisations (RFOs) visual arts organisations unsuccessful in their NPO application. It shows that a disproportionate number of artists’ membership and development agencies and practice-based organisations lost core funding, despite ACE’s aim of creating a balanced national portfolio and makes recommendations for sustaining their work as part of a strengthened arts ecology.
An Introduction WHAT AND WHY started this? WHAT- QANTAS Foundation Encouragement of Contemporary Australian Art Award gives me travel and cash to kick start career and provide amazing international experiences. HOW – After winning the QANTAS award I started plans […]
Ceangal is a collaborative project between Lynn Bennett-Mackenzie (Scotland) & Somu Desai (india) to use social networking to create a series of residencies which will bring national & international artists to the Highlands of Scotland where they will create original […]
As an increasing number of publicly-funded arts organisations seek out new models and initiatives for support, Artsway is providing a valuable platform to debate and explore what already exists, raising the issue of how longer-term support of artists can be maintained and increased in a period of arts austerity.
Supporting the international activities of artists and arts organisations is a key function for many national arts funding agencies. In order to investigate this area of arts policy and identify key issues affecting the programs and priorities of such agencies, the International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA) conducted a worldwide survey in English, French and Spanish, the results of which have been analysed and supplemented by other research and presented in a report.
Ben Ashton, At Home with the Ashtons (detail), oil on board, wooden structural installation and mirror, 2011.
Before continuing our journey, we should stop to point out the multiple talents of our host John W. Fail, who in spite of being named John Will Fail, is currently: Director of Ptarmigan, founder of Cenotaph Records Cenotaph Records and […]
The first video piece combines digital imagining with light reflections and manipulated sound to create a haunting experience of the past inhabitants reawakening and escaping. This was created working with live doves. The second piece shows the images of live […]
The first video piece combines digital imagining with light reflections and manipulated sound to create a haunting experience of the past inhabitants reawakening and escaping. This was created working with live doves. The second piece shows the images of live […]
Friday 13th May Private-view at Oksasenkatu11 Gallery This evening we visited the Private view of Silent Wishes at Oksasenkatu 11, an Art exhibition and silent auction in aid of disaster relief fundraising for Japan. Oksasenkatu 11 are an artists run […]
For recent art school graduates determined to travel past the shackles of debt, a residency is the way to meet fresh faces, exchange ideas and practice with artists from other countries. Fiona Flynn, from Chelsea College of Art, fills us in on Nida Art Colony in Lithuania and its residency programme.