Liverpool Art Prize
Lauren Healey interviews the artists shortlisted for the Liverpool Art Prize about making work, support structures for their practice, and their reasons for basing themselves in the North West.
Lauren Healey interviews the artists shortlisted for the Liverpool Art Prize about making work, support structures for their practice, and their reasons for basing themselves in the North West.
Explores the affect of the economic recession on the livelihoods of artists in terms of access to employment and career opportunities and raises concerns about how artists’ practice is likely to fare in this period of arts austerity. [HTML format]
Last month Cambridge saw the launch of a significant new artist-run space, Aid & Abet. Artists Sarah Evans, David Kefford and CJ Mahony discuss how the project has developed and how their relationship has graduated from being fellow studio holders to a collaborative working group.
Launched in March, Creative Scotland’s first corporate plan presented an ambitious vision for the nation’s arts, culture and creative industries. This is backed by core Treasury financing of £35.5m with £14.5m of Scottish Government funds for specific initiatives, unspent reserves from the interim between Scottish Arts Council/Scottish Screen and Creative Scotland, some lottery funding back after diversion to the Olympics and reduced overheads due the merger that included a 30% staff cut.
The weeks and months after graduation can be a daunting time. After three years or more of support and guidance suddenly it’s time to go it alone. There are many different ways to pursue your career as a professional artist and no two people will follow the same path. Here, four recent art graduates describe their journeys: from joining a peer-led network to working as an artist’s assistant, they each have a different story to tell.
Simon Liddiment – An exhibition of work as part of Standpoint Futures Residency Program 2011 27 April 2011 12-8pm; artist’s talk and drinks at 6.30pm, 28 April 2011 12-6pm Simon Liddiment’s practice is located somewhere in the transforming relationship between […]
Wysing Arts Centre, Bourn
2-17 April
It’s all a bit strange in work today… We had an hour long meeting in which we were told about the forthcoming changes to the staff structure…then given an hour and half to digest everything that we were told. 90 […]
I listened to a man this week. He told me a story of stories. He said, if he had a book, an autobiography and he asked the writer the story of that book, they would tell him a story of […]
At the start of the month I went to visit a very old, very dear friend in another city. He’s a little younger than I, just about to graduate from art school and step out into the world for the […]
Education and community projects engaging artists and audiences across the UK and Europe.
Really great to see AIR taking part in the protests on Saturday – really loved the long banner! I was disappointed to miss the march, I had though I would be abroad, but even being in the UK, I am […]
Sonya Dyer reports from ‘Hospitality’ the third event in the Artists and curators talking series, held at East Street Arts: Union 105 in Leeds, and asks ‘What is the relationship between hospitality and intimacy?’.
Information for upcomng show – Leo Fitzmaurice An exhibition of work as part of Standpoint Futures Residency Program 2011 24 March 2011 12-8pm; artist’s talk and drinks at 6.30pm25 March 2011 12-6pm Otherwise known for his bold installations and sculptures […]
RSA RESIDENCIES FOR SCOTLAND 2011 I have the pleasure in writing to you to inform you that the RSA residencies for Scotland panel have awarded you a bursary to undertake a residency at Cromarty Arts Trust… The panel was very […]
South London Gallery, London
26 June – 10 September 2010
Contents include: Features include: Residencies and collaborations and Funding the arts locally; in Debate Mark Dean asks is art the new religion? In Collaborative relationships artist David Cotterrell and Projects Director Carolyn Black discuss communication, mutual trust and the benefits […]
Since the beginning of the year it has been very busy behind the scenes at St George’s Arts. In response to some brilliant advice from Jim Shea from Shea Debnam Associates we have made big changes to our organisational structure […]
After a difficult financial period and following many internal changes Westgate Studios ceased operating as a managed organisation in 2010. Following a thorough search for alternative premises in order to keep the core groups of people together, artists have begun […]
Met with Bob today for a catch up in the Barge & Barrel in Elland, sampling Elland Best Bitter 4.0% ABV and Rooster Whisky Stout 4.7% ABV. Very tasty on both accounts. Jon Wakeman @eaststreetarts reminded me via twitter that […]
This is a blog of the Creative Lab residencies at the CCA in Glasgow. We’ve asked the artists involved to share their thought processes via this blog. Kate V Robertson kicks things off with her work in progress.
Feeling a bit pleased – just found out that I’ve gotten one of PVA Media Lab’s SALT residencies, running from the end of Feb – begining of March. I’m a bit chuffed about this, as it’ll mean making an audio […]
Ben Washington, We’re Being Kept Informed As The Situation Unfolds.
Resources, workshops and events for artists across the UK.