Rural initiatives
Featuring a selection of the UK’s arts organisations that are providing vivid cultural life to rural areas.
Featuring a selection of the UK’s arts organisations that are providing vivid cultural life to rural areas.
Alongside AIR’s campaigns and work looking at the issues affecting artists, a group of AIR activists (myself included) have volunteered to play a more active role; raising awareness of the value of artists. These are early days in what will hopefully prove to be long-term and ever-widening effort, but conversation has begun and some activists already have events planned.
For twenty-five years Manchester’s Chinese Arts Centre has focused on exchange of creative practice from one culture to another.
I graduated from Wimbledon in 2006 I was lucky enough to have been selected, almost immediately as eligible for a live work studio in the east end of London. The south edge of the Olympic park is around a five […]
Selected round-up of forthcoming events, training courses and professional development opportunities from the world of new media arts and imaging.
Kate Raggett and Mandy Fowler give their recollections of an ambitious one-day land art workshop in rural Herefordshire that involved nearly 200 participants, several bales of straw, and a Cessna aircraft.
Setting up an artist-led space: the ‘Why’ factor… Rosalind recently asked me a pertinent, and challenging, question. It’s had me shaking in my boots – well, sandals, actually, we’re having a heatwave here in Philly – and thinking hard. So, […]
A recent awardee of Arts Council England’s Grants For The Arts program, I am participating in a 2 month residency investigating post-colonialism and the uncanny body in Saint Louis, Senegal. With additional support from WAAW Centre for Art, this blog […]
Fragmented reports from the field Bags so heavy I was forced to beg for a lift to the station. The train will be one minute late. I anticipate it should take just twenty minutes to cross London with this load. […]
“It’s hard for all working mums (and dads) to find a work/life balance isn’t it – what’s so different for artists?” This was a question posed recently by a friend over dinner. I’d been banging on about APT – Artist Parents Talking – specifically about APT’s current search for funding, without stopping to think that she might not understand the basic premise of the network.
Public art projects, residencies and commissions in non-gallery spaces.
ok, wow time has flown that seems to happen when summer hits, it’s all go go go.. so what’s happened- well the opening evening of the schools exhibition went really well we had a presentation session looking at the progress […]
After a sweaty, muggy commute dragging wheelie suitcase, backpack, handbag and massive sketch-book first to BH photo store (the battery was a dud) and then up to East Harlem to meet the other artists, followed by a 2 hour drive […]
UAG have spent their first 2-3 months looking into the fundamentals of being an art group. Instead of looking for similarities in our work we have taken our initial bonding ‘thing’ to be that we have differences. We have an […]
I’ve just heard about a series of critical discussions about residencies with East Street Arts in Leeds; ‘Weds@105 – residencies’ I’ve had email contact and will definitely be making sure I represent the voice of artist-parents at these discussions. Let […]
I went to a meeting last night which was organised by someone from firstsite (visual arts organisation). The aim of the meeting was to keep artists up-to-date with their plans for developing their artists’ support programme, and to invite comments […]
In spring 2010 Spacex invited three UK-based artists to develop new work in response to Exeter’s West Quarter, where the gallery is located. The artists facilitated collaborative encounters and conversations with local residents. Amy Feneck interviewed people about the notion of ‘independent spirit’ in order to develop a script for a new film, Epilogue. Operating from her mobile portraiture studio, Lady Lucy documented encounters in her paintings ‘The Court Portraits’. Volkhardt Müller worked with people to create a series of performed actions on video. Majorette Rehearsing centered around the idea of the majorette as a West Quarter archetype; a paradoxical figure of individual aspiration, community celebration and carnival. For this feature, Volkhardt Müller reflects on his project with Spacex Project Coordinator, Martha Crean.
Best Practice Seminar: with Alex Pearl 29th May 12.00PM-4.00PM @ AirSpace Gallery www.newgenerationspace.wordpress.com airspacegallery no4 Broad Street Hanley Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire ST1 4HL In this session we will be looking at the fundamentals of what it means to be an artist […]
Artquest’s international practice seminar held in March at A Foundation London coincided with the ‘Journeys with No Return’ exhibition. Speakers included: artist and exhibitor Kiran Kaur Brar, whose residency in Istanbul was part of this three-city project; project curator Alice […]
A UK-wide scheme that enables artists and makers to work alongside students in universities and colleges for mutual benefit is launching a digital portfolio of stories from artists who’ve taken part in these ‘mini residencies’.
Engineering workshop and bridge talk I started to document Derek’s / the engineering workshop last week where there are mills and lathes – some old some very new. We discussed the transition from traditional towards computer operated processes and the […]
Conference at BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead
9 – 11 March 2010
A guide for artists and arts organisers to creating a mutually-beneficial relationship.