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Laura Simpson
Event Exhibition


  • Archive
  • Venue:
    Lower Foyer Gallery
  • From:
    December 05, 2009
  • To:
    January 27, 2010
  • Location:
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Speed tour
Resource Archive Feature

Ania Bas: In residence

Artist Ania Bas and Exhibitions Officer Helen Jones reflect on an innovative approach to being an artist-in-residence at The New Art Gallery Walsall.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from ""

I started this blog only a few weeks ago. Seems like another life. Sitting behind a gallery desk, getting my bike stolen, and watching people fall ill. Struggling, hoping and living in a bedsit. Today’s NFASP conference, at the Toynbee […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Getting paid"

Full of a cold and bundled up on the couch looking at application TO DO TODAY! Just noticed that the debate on the artists talking front page points to my blog at the moment – on the subject of professional […]

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Alias Art Camp
Resource Profile


Project coordinator Ed Adam and consultant Sovay Berriman tell Jane Watt how Alias (Artists-led Initiative Advisory service) has developed over the last ten years. They discuss the dilemmas that artist-led organisations face and offer their survival tips.

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The Nature on the Beast
Resource Archive News archive

Artist parents: speak up

“There is no more sombre enemy of good art than the pram in the hall” Cyril Connolly, Enemies of Promise, 1938

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from ""

Good news refreshes a thirsty man! Heard the happy tidings that I’ve been accepted on to this years AA2A residency scheme. I’ll be busying like a busy thing in the workshops down there, in the very near (and very busy) […]

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Large potato clock
Resource Archive Feature

Supporting artists’ work

A guide to career development and training opportunities as well as related services and resources that are designed to help artists take their practice to the next level.

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Resource Archive Feature

Rural report

Featuring a selection of UK’s most interesting rurally-based organisations and artists’ projects.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Getting paid"

Ah, show is up, I have a title.. it’s not the most amazing thing I have ever done, but that disappointment is partly due to the fact that I can’t show the animation alongside the sculpture.. otherwise it will do. […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Getting paid"

The birthday trip home to Liverpool begins in about two hours, so I shall see you in September… Hoping this break will give everything a bit of clarity when I get back and see my work again. The next exhibiton […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Getting paid"

Linzblog: On Friday we were very lucky indeed, and managed to get the keys to go into the tunnels under Linz. As the book I am making is about the surface and what lies underneath, I have been desperate to […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Getting paid"

Getting paid blog: This is in reply to Christina and Andrew in the previous post.. firstly thanks very much for the rant encouragment! There shall be more to come. However, recent frustrations I mentioned here are more to do with […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Getting paid"

Linzblog: I have been reading through a few blogs this morning and specifically those by other people currently on residencies.. It made me laugh how much I recognise my own experiences mirrored in these: struggling with time both going slowly […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Getting paid"

I didn’t mean to post anything else again today, but I was just checking the deadline for something and came across a residency at the Bridge School; a special needs school in Islington. This is a residency with studio, materials […]

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