Today I was thinking about artists who write. There’s quite a lot of them (us?). Picasso has at least one thick volume of collected writings and stories published… Louise Bourgeois’s creative writing has just started appealing to me. With quite […]
Dorm, ten minutes before breakfast. We went into Uzipis last night, en famille. Uzipis was declared a seperate republic but artists who lived there, in 1997 or so. Here’s their constitution. Needless to say, there are now developers signs around. […]
Our project ‘Red’ is a series of 3, one month residencies in 2 market towns and one city. We have been commissioned by ‘In Certain Places’ to work in the St John’s Centre, Preston, for the first month. This blog […]
Project Space Leeds, Leeds
25 March 27 June
A unique project for artists, creative thinkers and cultural practitioners, Arts Reverie is located in the heart of a traditional pol (neighbourhood) in the historic city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
AA2A has secured a further two years’ funding from Arts Council England through the Grants for the Arts lottery fund.
Nick Slater and Kathrin Böhm relate the project by public works and, commissioned as part of Radar’s ‘Group Process’ programme.
Sandarbh Workshop, Derbyshire
2 – 17 May 2009
Michael Aitken studied Fine Art at the John Moores University in Liverpool graduating with first class honours in 2005. As well as developing his own practice he works concurrently at Tate Liverpool, Cumbria University as a visiting lecturer and as […]
Emily Druiff and Sophie Hope discuss independent practice in relation self-initiated curator and artist-led projects.
Ruthin Craft Centre, Ruthin
4 April – 31 May 2009
“Auntie Megan’s here, Auntie Megan’s here!”. My son comes running in excitedly, and then dashes out again with my daughter. A couple of minutes later, my old friend, and collaborator strolls in, my children bouncing around her feet like badly […]
Janie Nicoll brings together in one place a mixed assortment of surprising works deliberately sited within a domestic rather than a gallery setting.
Well my absence surely just shows how hard-working I am, how dedicated etc etc yawn. In recent news! I went for an interview at Leeds to do an Ma in History of Art and was offered a conditional place. So […]
marc garrett. ruth catlow,, 'We won't fly for art', Internet, 12 april 2009. Photo: diwologue. We won't fly for art : Take the Pledge.
"I will not fly for art but only if 6 other people will do the same AND replicate this pledge."
? Marc Garrett and Ruth Catlow
Deadline to sign up by: 26th April 2009
More details:
We won't fly for art
We will not take an aeroplane for the sake of art. For the next 6 months we will find other ways to visit and participate in exhibitions, fairs, conferences, meetings, residencies. We will not fly for inspiration, nor to appreciate, buy or sell art.
But only if 6 others will do the same AND replicate this pledge.
This pledge is designed for exponential growth so if you persuade another 6 people to do the same, within a year you could be one of millions of people changing the way the artworld works. So sign up, cre
continued from previous post (told you this was a subject liable to get me going) So – based on my track record up until 1997, and the small projects I'd done in the intervening 10 years, ACE were prepared to […]
I have been selected to work on 3 residencies over the next year in the UK, Poland and Finland. You've heard about Capitals of Culture? Cornwall wants to be a European Region of Culture. My first residency in Poland starts […]
In October 2010 Safle ceased trading following the withdrawal of funding from the Arts Council of Wales. Back in April 2009, Jane Watt spoke to Safle’s Project Managers and Executive Director about how they were supporting artists to develop and make work in the public realm. At the time Safle was one of the UK’s largest independent public art consultancies.
Pamela Wells and Alicja Rogalska report back from Supermarket – an artist-run international art fair in Stockholm. They talk about why their own artist association Laundry attended the event, meet representatives from a vibrant artist-run culture in Sweden and beyond, and offer a sample of some of the organisations who attended.
Kate Brundrett talks to Paul Rooney about his work, residencies and winning this year’s Northern Art Prize.
Audience development is core within galleries and arts organisations seeking diverse participation in programmes. Here, we examine how they create accessibility, inclusion and encourage learning and engagement with artists and artworks through activities including workshops, residencies and other projects.