1-2-1 Artist Surgeries
Fabrica -
July 25, 2008 -
South East England
I am just as busy with studio business as I was a year ago and barely have time to write a blog. A meeting to sort out studio politics on Sunday seems to have resloved a few issues in relation […]
Penny Jones talks to Deirdre Nelson about her textile-based work, often made in response to museum collections or site histories and informed by local communities, and residencies in the Scottish Highlands and Australia.
Had a couple of great days in the studio last week. I spent about 13 hours there on Thursday – I haven’t spent so long in a studio since I was on my MA. I didn’t plan to be there […]
WE DID ANOTHER TALK TODAY We did another talk (or two talks) today at the University of Brighton Printmaking Department. This was part of our Residency. In addition to using the screenprinting facilities we have given student tutorials and this […]
Kate Stoddart profiles Andrea Walsh, discussing the development of her practice in ceramics and glass, work/life balance and the outcomes of a residency at Cove Park.
Open studio events are an insight into how artists make work, giving a very different perspective from seeing finished works in a gallery setting or a commissioned piece in a public space. Here we take a look at some of the studios opening their doors over the next few months.
The beginning… I arrived in my humble and beautiful new abode only a matter of days ago, on the 31st of March. My journey across the sea was easy but made difficult by the weight of all of my luggage. […]
As a precursor to the Waterfront Public Art Strategy, Halton Borough Council commissioned artists residencies within the Widnes Waterfront Economic Development Zone in 2007.
Deveron Arts, Huntly
It has been quite a week of sitting bowed over applications. I do wonder why the anticipation of forms is always so completely different to the actual experience of them. I tend to quite enjoy myself once I get going. […]
This article by Furtherfield.org founders and Directors Ruth Catlow and Marc Garrett was originally published in Coding Cultures: A Handbook, commissioned by Francesca da Rimini and d/lux/MediaArts in 2007. Catlow and Garrett discuss the origin and mission of Furtherfield.org and how its participatory platforms are art production tools.
Charlotte Frost delves into the on and offline world of Furtherfield.org, where web surfers are encouraged and enabled to become co-producers in art making/situating via platforms such as VisitorsStudio and projects like DIWO (Do It With Others).
Developing your practice and career beyond the UK
A review of the changing face of work for visual artists using a-n’s regularly researched and published information on jobs and opportunities. Focusing on the main areas of awards and fellowships, commissions, competitions and prizes, exhibitions and residencies, this paper […]
Text-only version of a-n Research paper: Art work in 2007 with live weblinks.
A review of the changing face of work for visual artists using a-n’s regularly researched and published information on jobs and opportunities. Presents an analysis of the key findings for 2007, concentrating on the work areas tracked since 1989, and opportunities such as fellowships, commissions, competitions, exhibitions and residencies.
Are you thinking of applying for a grant or award? Over £2.3m was openly offered in these categories through a-ns Jobs and opportunities last year. As its a highly competitive activity, weve compiled this guide to making applications, including some top tips from a range of experienced artists, curators, and arts professionals…
A look at the Glasgow international festival, Asian art triennial and Bucharest Biennale 3.
An overview of funding news for England, Wales and Scotland.
26/01/08Morning – cold & clear I have woken with a heavy cold and a painful hangover. I had planned to write a serious account of my work so far and hopes for the future. Maybe later. I crept out of […]
To celebrate the launch of Artists talking, Jane Watt explores the development of Projects unedited, a-ns open space for artists blogs.
Bristol-based artist-led commissioning and curating body Plan 9 are moving to a new home the Old Bridewell Police Station in the city centre.