Untitled blog post from "Bedford Journal"
26/01/08Morning – cold & clear I have woken with a heavy cold and a painful hangover. I had planned to write a serious account of my work so far and hopes for the future. Maybe later. I crept out of […]
26/01/08Morning – cold & clear I have woken with a heavy cold and a painful hangover. I had planned to write a serious account of my work so far and hopes for the future. Maybe later. I crept out of […]
To celebrate the launch of Artists talking, Jane Watt explores the development of Projects unedited, a-ns open space for artists blogs.
Bristol-based artist-led commissioning and curating body Plan 9 are moving to a new home the Old Bridewell Police Station in the city centre.
Exploring the roles and reasons of selected organisations dedicated to widening access to the visual arts through commissioning temporary and permanent interventions in non-gallery spaces in the first of a two-part feature.
After a successful three years in Londons East End, C4RD (Centre for Recent Drawing) is moving to larger premises in Highbury, Islington, and a more accessible location. As a non-profit organisation and museum space, the whole space is dedicated to […]
De la Warr Pavilion, Bexhill on Sea Found a Kjell Torriset catalogue in the shop – I hadn’t seen his work before – really like the installations.Coffee and cake on the terrace – lots of ideas for new work. I […]
An Tuireann, Skye
28 September 10 November
Standing Room, Harrington Mill Studios, Long Eaton, Derbyshire
26-28 October 2007
Many artists aspire to permanent studio space, whether self-initiated or rented through a specialist organisation. Here, we explore some current options for artists and makers with the focus not only on developments in London but also elsewhere in England, Wales and Ireland.
Trinity Church, Inverness
1-6 October 2007
There are now over 200 contemporary art biennials across the globe, compared with four or five or twenty years ago.
Can’t seem to stop writing this blog tonight…. We are having a farewell bbq come show-and-tell night at Bei Gao on Tuesday 23rd. Quite a number of us are coming to the end of our residencies at the end of […]
Professional development opportunities are widely available, ranging from cash awards to advisory sessions and critical debate.
The focus generated this month by Vital 07 is the catalyst for exposing of some of the UKs key promoters of live art today.
Sally Lai is currently a Clore Leadership Programme fellow and holds an MA in Curating from Goldsmiths College, University of London. Based in Manchester, the wide range of exhibitions and projects she has been involved with reflect her special interest […]
S Mark Gubb profiles R O O M and learns about its journey from artist-led venue in Bristol to a commercial space in London.
S Mark Gubb profiles no.w.here, an artist-run project space which expands and examines film within contemporary arts practice.
Well, it’s the final instalment, though I may break it into 2 or 3 posts to allow adding more pictures. I’m on the plane heading home, just as the Delhi climate starts to become pleasant. I’ve got a trip to […]
I arrived at L’H du Siega on Saturday the 15th of September 2007, by car. It seemed easier at the time, I was packing and bringing most of my belongings and preparing for three month being away from home. It […]
What gives a particular place its characteristics? Why are some cities hip and others lame? How does a neighbourhood change from good to bad?
Sally Davies profiles Kypros Kyprianou, discussing his interest in scientific themes, collaborative working and residencies at Artsway and Allenheads Contemporary Arts.
Penlanole Farm
9 September 2007
Exploring selected arts organisation with significant facilities and programmes for digital and new media practices.
Highlighting new projects by organisations located in Aberdeenshire, Cumbria, Devon, Dumfries, Fife, Mull, Lancashire, Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Suffolk, and Western Isles. There is, in truth, nothing essentially backward-looking, conservative or traditional in rural culture. There are too many innovators, in too […]
After a far-reaching review and reshaping exercise, the Crafts Council has launched its new three-year plan. Describing itself as the national development agency for contemporary crafts in the UK, its key areas of work for the future are summarised as […]