An international practice
Chris Brown interviews Neeta Madahar on a return visit to Boston, where she studied for three years at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts.
Chris Brown interviews Neeta Madahar on a return visit to Boston, where she studied for three years at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts.
In December 2003 I undertook a residency at Ramsgate Maritime Museum in partnership with Turner Contemporary.
Opportunities round-up.
A-n’s commissioned research into rates of pay.
May You Live In Interesting Times is Cardiffs inaugural festival of creative technology. Taking place across the Welsh capital 28-30 October, the festival has been developed between Chapter and Bloc (Creative Technology Wales) and includes a two-day conference, new commissions, […]
Once we were Africans Black Arts Alliance has commissioned photographer Anthony Jones to photograph ten, black, multi-generational families living in the Greater Manchester area as part of Acts of Achievement, the north west of Englands annual celebration of Black History […]
Centre for Contemporary Art and the Natural World,
Haldon Belvedere, Exeter
14 August 30 October
Contents include: Checklist of good practice promotes meaningful development for volunteers, a news report on outcomes from The Cultural Commission. Samantha Clark reflects on residencies in the Swiss Alps and at Wysing Arts. A review of contemporary artists using pinhole […]
Encouraging a consistent attitude to quantifying the value of artists across the exhibition and gallery world.
Poet Markus Lloyd offers his solution to creative isolation.
Last year I did a residency at the IAAB, an international artists exchange programme in Basel, Switzerland.
I used to subscribe regularly to a-n many years ago and have just renewed my subscription online. In searching the site I have not been able to find anything collated (enlighten me please if Im wrong!) specific for the more […]
Lucian Taylor is Cove Parks 2005 crafts resident until 30 September. Funded by the Scottish Arts Council, this three-month residency supports a leading maker, applied artist or designer by providing time to concentrate on new projects and development of their […]
Contents include: PARTNERS initiative places Scottish artists in local communities. Group shows including ‘New Contemporaries’ reviewed, plus putting the ‘temporary’ into Contemporary Art Norwich. Letters on teaching, school residencies and voluntary work. Graham Dolphin remembers Berlin, Dan Willson pictures his […]
Bolwick Hall, Marsham, Norwich
12-26 June
Peacock Visual Arts, Aberdeen
8 April 24 June
Contents include: Black art examined, school residencies debated and Andy Hewitt and Mel Jordan show in Venice. Performance art reviewed in Dulwich plus work sited at Fairfields hospital. Focus on east England with news of Contemporary Art Norwich and East […]
The East of England is the focus for two new major visual arts celebrations in July. At The Old Church in Rishangles, Suffolk, Laura Godfrey-Isaacs of Home presents the St Margaret Church Ale Performance Festival. Set in the inspiring historical […]
The PARTNERS initiative established in Scotland in May has a budget of £1.4m to enable artists to take their work into communities. The purpose of this new fund is to support artist residencies lasting from three months to two years. […]
Rohini Malik Okon introduces her selection of articles for the first a-n Collections.
Profiles of international models researched for Future space.
Future space addresses the future roles and functions of artists’ workspace. It introduces current strategies and concerns and places them in the context of artists’ developing practice and critical frameworks using as a prompt recent interviews with artists and other professionals. What will artists’ practice and resources be like in 2015?
pdf. Requires pdf reader.
My cousin introduced me to Iron Maiden when I was eight and I failed my art A level when I was eighteen.
Read the Future space interviews in full. These interviews formed the base material for the Future space publication.
Arts Council England cuts clients whilst remaining brave and radical.
From a-n Magazine May 1995 Minky Manky at South London Art Gallery showed, amongst others, work by Damien Hirst and Mat Collishaw, along with Tracey Emins Love Tent; Christopher Pauling won the £4,000 Mostyn Open purchase prize; Leo Fitzmaurice and […]