HAL is a new artist-run organisation that aims to facilitate the development of contemporary art through a programme of exhibitions, events, residencies, seminars and screenings designed to: Excite, surprise, challenge, question, provoke, inspire and entertain. The launch on 31 March […]
Stephen Palmer explores the issues surrounding artists and their studios – from finances, time and work patterns and location to group set-ups and DIY options.
Apartment, Manchester
11 February (ongoing)
Bruce Haines profiles Johannes Phokelas ongoing partnership with Gasworks in London.
Amongst recent projects designed to provide a supportive environment for artists whilst they undertake public projects is The way I see it. Organised as part of Suffolk County Councils Making art work scheme and aimed at new artists, it takes […]
Aimed at public sector arts employers, commissioners, consultants and arts trainers, Good practice in paying artists addresses the context for fees and payments for artists’ residencies, workshops and community commissions.
I first visited Sweden when I was invited to participate in the Gothenburg Biennale in 2001.
In February, contributions were invited by a Parliamentary Select Committee from key visual arts organisations to an inquiry into DCMS’s support of the art market, in particular into “ways of supporting and encouraging living artists and the production of new work”.
Art Gene combines a residency programme with links with education and plays an active part in local regeneration.
Rodney Court is a proposed conversion of a Manchester tower block into live/work space for artists.
TactileBOSCH is a studio group committed to experimentation, presentation and collaboration.
Temporary studios can be a useful option for creating project-specific work.
Gasworks is part of an international network of independent studios around the globe.
CRATE successfully accessed economic development and regeneration funds to buy a building.
Thanks to a partnership with Arts Council England, weve extended the portfolio of material freely available on www.a-n.co.uk around artists fees and payments. Now included is in-depth research by University of Newcastle in artists fees and payments and the attitudes […]
Paul Glinkowski looks at the UK studio landscape, highlighting successful new studio models. He also offers advice to artists wanting to set-up their own group.
Triangle Gallery, SPACE Studios, London
15 January 15 February
Philip Babot on the cross-border and international achievements of artists’ organisations in South Wales.
Or: Where do you go? Who goes there? Who are we anyway? Carolyn Black enquires.
Provides sample historical rates of pay for artists from a range of organisations and compares artists’ rates with those of arts managers.
Analysis of past and current situation for artists’ fees and payments, introducing some issues for artists, employers and policy-makers to consider in the future.
Luiz Camillo Osorio on Rio de Janeiro and Ana Paula Cohen on S
My work is mostly about perception: the way we look at the world, building up an image of the whole from different fragments.
Stephen Snoddy left in November as Director of the Baltic after less than nine months there. Baltic is also seeking a replacement for Chair architect-developer Alan J Smith whose term of office has expired and advertised the post of Curator […]
Artist’s jobs and opportunities 1989-2003