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Bumpy Bag
Resource Profile

Next move

Heather Rigg profiles Next Move, a national professional development scheme which aims to launch the careers of applied artists.

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Ice camera
Resource Archive Feature


Carolyn Black’s first time working away from her home and studio was a UNESCO funded residency in Java, Indonesia.

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Meadow, Virginia
Resource Archive Feature

Fresh start

Paul Edwards describes how residencies provide him with the opportunity to concentrate wholly on his practice.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Leverhulme trust

Annie Cattrell is concerned with the hidden structures and systems of life. Her work evolves by isolating and fragmenting these systems in three dimensions, allowing the viewer to access the physical boundaries between the interior world of the body-mind and […]

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Resource Archive News archive

New schemes for England

From 1 April, there will be two new funding programmes for England, to be run from the regional offices: Grants to organisations: investment for organisations including arts projects, capital, organisational development and research and development. Grants to individuals: investment for […]

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Karol-Bagh to Tascott
Resource Archive Feature

Capital city

New Delhi isn’t an obvious destination for visual arts practitioners. However, as Judith Staines discovered, scratch the surface and a more interesting picture starts to emerge.

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Daft Punk's around the world
Resource Archive Discussion

Community designs

After completing a degree in graphic design Jimmy Turrell broadened his artistic vision gaining experience in as many areas of arts practice as possible. As artist-in-residence at The Crucible Theatre he worked with a group of young people, creating an […]

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Face corsets
Resource Profile

Paddy Hartley

Since completing an MA in ceramics in 1998, I’ve worked with and in response to a diverse range of people, environments and themes.

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The pigeon project
Resource Archive Feature

BBQ Project

Glasgow-based artists Ben Woodeson and John Beagles give accounts of two very different recent events in Berlin: the artist-run BBQ Project and Art Forum Berlin, the city’s annual art fair.

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away weekend
Resource Archive News archive

Future workings

In its thirty-five year contemporary history, the residency has become a complex affair, according to research by the Centre for Cultural Policy and Management in Newcastle upon Tyne. A study conducted by Kevin Stephens as part of the Year of […]

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Resource Profile

Cornelia Parker

Simon Morrissey cuts to the chase with Cornelia Parker and finds out how she has fought commercial pressures to follow her own artistic agenda.

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Less is More Armchair =Table
Resource Archive News archive

Festival fever

The Japan 2001 Festival was launched nationally in May and runs through to March next year. Visual arts features highly, incorporating exhibitions, residencies and international exchanges. Shows include ‘Contemporary Japanese Ceramics’ at the V&A Museum until 27 August, the Mona-Ha […]

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The Forbidden Zone
Resource Archive Feature

Everyday people

On the West Coast of America, Harrell Fletcher is making history – not in the grandiose sense, but through an approach to art-making that brings out individual voices and stories.

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Painted Chips
Resource Archive News archive

Media attention for artists

Visual arts is well featured amongst the Year of the Artist programme of residencies in the national press and media recently announced. At The Guardian will be digital artist Michael Atavar, who’s working processes will have an impact for six […]

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Sainsbury Centre For Visual Arts, University Of East Anglia, Norwich
1 October – 8 December

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Resource Archive Discussion

Editorial – 2001 December

“Artists work in the interface between the real and the imagined. They coax us out of the numbness of the everyday and into a heightened space where we can inhabit other lives and find ourselves in other circumstances. The mind […]

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Teabag tea tent
Resource Archive Feature

Best western

Drifting south west to Cornwall, Alan Bleakley describes PALP, an artist-led group committed to experimental, collaborative and socially inclusive projects.

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stills from Jellyfish Lake
Resource Archive Feature

Fail… to succeed

David Butler reports on the current crop of ground-breaking collaborations between art and science that are giving artists the time to undertake sustained, open-ended research without the expectation of a specific outcome.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Community installation

Last May, C Visual Art conducted a two-week residency at Torre Abbey in Torquay funded by Awards for All. Five artists were involved and by combining the individual skills of the group they produced an installation that focused on the […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Drawing attention

This year’s Big Draw, running 16-23 October, brings together one thousand venues of all types and sizes. Included are the major national museums, shopping centres, stately homes, Roman palaces, folk museums, steam pumping stations, church halls, gardens, stations and even […]

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London Walking: a handbook for survival
Resource Archive Feature

Outside the margin

In the first of a six-part series ‘Inhabited spaces’, Alice Angus presents artists’ perspectives on language and its relationship to place.

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Theatre designed by Lisa Cheung and Etji Stih at the Martinique workshop
Resource Archive Feature

Happy anniversary

Neil Zakiewicz profiles the Triangle Arts Trust, celebrating its twentieth anniversary this year.

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