wip:sthlm International Artist Residency Another full day in the studio. After two months here I feel as though I’m getting into my stride. Although I’ve been here since the beginning of August this is actually only my 23rd day in […]
LAST FEW DAYS 03.10.09 Well… I go home to Nottingham tomorrow after a rather productive week I feel. I was not expecting the work with the butchers to be so interesting and I hope this has proved to me that […]
The recent AIR survey that revealed that levels of self-employment were higher amongst artists than the creative industries as a whole also highlighted the high level of qualifications artists hold.
Artists’ employment status and livelihoods were the hot topics at a meeting that took place in August between Visual Arts Ireland’s Chief Executive, Noel Kelly and AIR advisers Elpida Hadzi-Vasileva, Sally Sheinman and Caroline Wright.
Commissioned by Arts Council England to inform thinking about the recession’s impact on employment in the arts and culture, Do It Yourself: Cultural and Creative Self-Employment in Hard Times addresses opportunities for young self-employed creatives and potential implications of the government’s Future Jobs Fund.
I found this quote last night, which i think sums up why we as artists make… “[work & play, “self-employment” with materials,] free man from the life of empty, formless, vacant, as well as measureless imagination and fancy, which is […]
I have just blogged on my other blog (OutofOffice) where I am blogging about an exhibition proposed for the beginning of next year (January 2010). It made me think about this blog and how I am neglecting it, I seem […]
Andrew Maclean (born 1980, Kirkcaldy) graduated in 2007 with MSc Electronic Imaging from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, and in 2003 with BA (Hons) Fine Art from the same institution. In 2004 he became a committee member […]
One And All
Castlefield Gallery, Manchester
3 April 17 May
Emily Druiff and Sophie Hope discuss independent practice in relation self-initiated curator and artist-led projects.
I have been doing a bit of reading round for a blog entry I am writing for www.intute.ac.uk on earning a living as an artist. (These blog entries are paid and are slightly more formal than a-n!). As well as […]
AAAAARRRGH! Before Easter I applied for the job of Project Officer at the Cathedral – the role would've been ideal to compliment my other work, but I have not been successful despite the fact that I possess all the criteria […]
The day after the birthday party. Every year I forget, and then on April 6th I remember. 2 days before my son's birthday I start getting flashbacks. My son spent his first 3 days unconscious, with my partner (barely able […]
I have just been having a conversation over email with another artist about paying to enter things. I my head I have a very clear rule about this: I don't do it. On reflection I thought that there are some […]
A guide for artists and organisers, with comments from artists and good practice checklist.
Please read post 3 first. Otherwise this is gibberish. Or maybe it's gibberish anyway. I would like to believe in my head that funding for art practices and students and the rest of the gang is worthwhile because we are […]
So i am bed ridden! great! What was a chest infection has now turned into an investigation to whether or not i have a blood clot in my lung or chest wall or something. Though they said it is unlikely, […]
I have finally finished my entry for Coldplay's Lost video competition. It is here: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=nqGbbBp68rg Even though I didn't have enough time to hand sketch each frame, it still took ages to rotoscope some additional video footage. I do not […]
Liverpool Biennial 2008, The Bluecoat, Liverpool
20 September – 30 November 2008
In a world increasingly skewed by notions of commodity and markets, artists and creative practitioners must be proactive in seeking out opportunities that enable them to experiment and take the risks that will drive up the quality of their work.
Jane Watt looks into the world of academic research and examines research opportunities for artists within institutions and the UK higher education system.
HTML version of Community engagement in which Catherine Wilson explores the myriad ways artists can engage with specific communities via residencies, collaborations, cross-cultural projects and research.
Launching September 2008, Creative Graduates Creative Futures is the largest-ever study of the career patterns of graduates from UK courses in art, design, craft and media.
Kai-Oi Jay Yung speaks to Guyan Porter about his residency at Chandrasevana Creation Centre in Sri Lanka.
I contacted the Academy about the mismatch between what we’re doing in the research on establishing the Happiness in the Workplace Awards and my experience as their consultant – that the job was not meeting expectations. In Danish there’s a […]