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News News comment

Making rent, making work: the strapped for cash art

One half of the London-based performance company There There with Dana Olărescu, Bojana Janković argues that the economic pressures more and more artists face are ultimately shaping the kind of work that gets made, especially by emerging artists, with profound and long-term consequences.

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About Policies

Payment policy

Sets out how a-n The Artists Information Company ensures proper and fair payment both within the company and across its programmes and operations.

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Blog Post

How should we support creativity?

Fancy a creative future? Then look no further than 64 Million Artists, a national campaign that wants to unlock the creativity of everyone in Britain. Throughout January it set short daily creative challenges up to 20 minutes long that were […]

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Resource Guide

Pensions for artists

Primarily aimed at self-employed artists, this guide sets out why people should be considering a pension or retirement plan and offers advice on a number of different choices that are available.

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News News feature

Life beyond art school: what next, where next and how to make it happen

A recent symposium held in Glasgow and organised jointly by Glasgow School of Art and Q-Art saw fine art staff, students and industry professionals examine the role of art schools and how they prepare students for life after university. Laura Campbell reports on the issues raised and the possible solutions.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Keeping It Going"

Life, politics and art … The legacy of my late father was to stand up for what you believe in – politely, but firmly and with good grace. I was at the Peoples’ Assembly march last Saturday in central London, […]

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Blog Artist


Chat between writer and curator Michael Hill, and artist Sam Venables about new Gallery project IT’S FRIDAY- opening at Glasgow International Festival 2016. THANKS A-N FOR SUPPORT VIA NEW COLLABORATIONS BURSARY SCHEME.

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Blog Post

Art/Work – A Research Project

Since 2014 myself and Lydia Catterall have been developing a research based project initially titled ‘Art/Work’ – looking at the relationships between the arts and the systems that contain it. Speaking to working artists and freelance professionals, deciphering relevant literature and […]

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Resource Guide

Universal Credit

Universal Credit is a new benefit that is designed to support people who are on a low income or out of work. This guide by financial services experts Counterculture explains how Universal Credit is calculated and how it may impact those who are self-employed.

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Blog Post

Taking time out

I’ve just put in a request for unpaid leave in work and for some reason, it has made me feel incredibly apprehensive. Like most artists, I’ve been struggling with the age old ‘time and money’ dilemma and not quite knowing […]

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