You searched for the artist fees toolkit - a-n The Artists Information Company

Resource Guide

The artist’s fees toolkit

Enables artists to calculate an individual daily rate for services they supply based upon their unique circumstances and overheads and to prepare quotes when pitching for freelance work.

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Resource Archive Feature

The artist’s fees toolkit

This toolkit takes artists step-by-step through a process to calculate an individual daily rate and prepare quotes for freelance work.

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News News story

a-n publishes contextual research on fees guidance

As part of a broad range of research around artists’ fees, a-n commissioned arts writer and researcher Dany Louise to investigate sources of advice within and external to the visual arts that offer guidance on fees and payments to artists.

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Resource Guide

The artist’s development toolkit

This toolkit enables artists and students to develop themselves and their practice. It provides self-reflective material suitable for any career stage and allows artists to review their position and explore ways of developing.

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Resource Guide

The contracts toolkit

This toolkit is an introduction to the contractual process, enabling artists to assess contracts and to build their own.

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Resource Guide

Associate programmes for artists

What are artists’ associate programmes and what do they offer within the broad landscape of artists’ professional development? What should artists consider before applying? Based on extensive research into sixty arts organisations across England, Scotland and Wales, this guide by Dany Louise offers artists help in thinking through the various options available to them.

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Resource Guide

Setting up an artist-led space

Russell Martin’s guide to running your own gallery demystifies the process of setting up an artist-led space and highlights the issues to consider before taking such a step.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Artists, tax, and self-employed status

The recent coverage in a-n publications on good practice and rates of pay for artists is very useful, but I think that an important issue has not been covered.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Fees and payments

As a former teacher now working for the past five years as a gallery educator and also a freelance artist I have been interested to follow the a-n proposals on artists’ fees.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Paying artists

We are a local authority-run gallery who occasionally employ artists and other workers to do workshops with us on our premises.

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The Code of Practice - artists
Resource Archive News archive

Artists’ fees update

In order to ensure their fees keep track with their level of experience and the general rate of increases in costs of living and overheads, September’s a good time for artists to review their approaches to budgeting and charging.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Fees update

Paul Matosic’s letter (June issue) raises important issues for all artists for whom operating professionally is vital.

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