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News News story

Post-election breakfast: “Artists can keep the focus on the big issues”

For the Post-election breakfast session as part of a-n’s Assembly Bristol event, four speakers discussed issues that ‘can sometimes mean having to have a difficult conversation’. Prior to this, facilitator Rivca Rubin asked those assembled to spend a few minutes reflecting on the outcome of the election. Here we report some of those reflections.

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News News feature

Free Market thinking: arts, organising and alternatives to neoliberalism

Market Gallery’s recent Free Market symposium – supported by an a-n Artist Led Bursary – brought together thinkers and doers to discuss issues around ‘cultural resources in crisis’ and was in part informed by the Glasgow gallery’s own precarious situation. Chris Sharratt reports on three days of thinking beyond the usual.

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News News story

2017 Bow Open Show line-up announced

19 artists from across London-based charity Bow Arts’ 13 studio sites have been chosen for the annual exhibition which this year is curated by East End-based sculptor Alex Chinneck.

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Models for mother artists: how to maintain your practice as a parent

Being a mother of young children and continuing your art practice is incredibly difficult. Inspired by a recent symposium exploring the challenges of being a ‘mother artist’, Frances Bossom – who presents a ‘Proposal for a Guide for Art Parents’ at June’s a-n Assembly event in Bristol – calls for an approach that values the complex reality of motherhood.

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News News story

Assembly Margate: “Working with artists is a compelling process”

Across two days of talks, workshops and get-togethers, Assembly Margate explored both the specifics of living and working as an artist in a town with a small population where art can be a contentious subject, and the broader picture of how artists deal with issues such as regeneration, gentrification and working with communities.

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