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EU referendum: In or out – two opposing views on what the vote means to the arts

On Thursday 23 June, the EU Referendum will ask UK voters whether the country should remain a member of the European Union or leave. As the debate for and against Brexit intensifies, Munira Mirza makes the case for artists and those in the arts to vote to leave, while Clymene Christoforou argues that the UK should remain ‘at home’ in Europe.

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News News feature

Ben Cove, 1974–2016

The London-based artist Ben Cove, whose work explored art and design history with particular reference to modernism, has died unexpectedly after a short illness. Artist Emily Speed pays tribute to her friend and his work, while also collecting the thoughts of other artists and curators.

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News News feature

Pictures of… craft from an outsider’s perspective

Radical Craft: Alternative Ways of Making is a new touring exhibition that presents works by renowned outsider artists alongside those of self-taught artists who face barriers to the art world because of health, disability, social circumstance or isolation.

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News News story

Comprehensive new study: Artists’ Livelihoods survey needs your views

Launching today, a-n is a lead partner in a comprehensive survey into how visual artists in England live and work, part of a new Arts Council England research project that will shape future support and initiatives for artists. Take part and share your views on the day-to-day realities of being a professional artist and the challenges and barriers you face.

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Events #55: The week ahead from a-n’s members

Five events posted by a-n’s members on our popular Events listings section. This week’s selection includes meditations on immortality, ceramics exploring the language of nature, and light installations that provide a portal to fantasy destinations.

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