It’s been a busy and fruitful year for a-n/AIR’s Paying Artists campaign, with plenty of activity across the UK and internatioanally. Paying Artists Project Manager Julie McCalden looks back over 2015.
Six a-n writers – based in Glasgow, Manchester and London – pick, in no particular order, their top five exhibitions of the year.
Five events posted by a-n’s members on our popular Events listings section, from neon art in Walthamstow to steel manufacturing in Middlesbrough.
The second in Artquest’s System Failure series of conversations took place earlier this week, with a discussion looking at how artists can benefit from urban regeneration. We report from the event at Block 336, an artist-led space in Brixton, London.
Speaking at last night’s Paul Hamlyn Foundation Awards for Artists event, author Jeanette Winterson spoke passionately and at length about the true value of art and the need for artists to be supported and encouraged.
A three-day residential workshop aimed at fostering a peer network among artist associate schemes takes place at Plymouth Arts Centre this weekend, as a ‘Jamboree’ of six such schemes meet to create long-lasting connections.
Five events posted by a-n’s members on our popular Events listings section.
Artquest launched its System Failure series of conversations earlier this week with a discussion looking at how the arts funding system could be restructured to better benefit artists. We report from the event at Block 336, an artist-led space in Brixton, London.
Crowdsourced from the ideas of Middlesbrough and Teeside residents through a series of workshops and open calls, mima’s current exhibition Localism is about reasserting the importance of the local in both the development of society and the international art world.
Alice Cunningham’s solo exhibition at the Royal British Society of Sculptors, London, includes new works in marble developed while she was recipient of the 2014 Brian Mercer Stone Carving Residency in Pietrasanta, Italy. She speaks to Pippa Koszerek about how she worked with a specialist stone carving studio to create the four works included in the show.
The Mayor of London says planners and developers need to put culture at the forefront of city developments, and uses new report to show them how.
This week’s selection, chosen from listings posted by a-n members on the site’s Events section, includes a debate, a symposium, and exhibitions in Cambridge, Darlington, London, Manchester and Newcastle.
A new series of conversation events in London, produced by Artquest and part-programmed with a-n and Axisweb, will ask ‘how could the art world perform better for artists?’
The London-based studio provider enables 16 art college graduates to take up studios at its Warton House premises in Stratford from October 2016.
The third Sluice_ art fair takes place this week with presentations by over 30 international galleries plus performances and a programme of talks. Supported by a-n, the talks include a discussion about Paying Artists and artist-led organisations, plus artist Marion Piper will be on hand to cover the event when she ‘takes over’ the a-n Instagram feed.
Event in London brings together raft of speakers from across the arts sector to discuss funding priorities, partnerships and access – with a welcome focus on the artist.
Damien Hirst’s Newport Street Gallery has opened in south London with the aim of making the artist’s personal collection of over 3000 works of art accessible to the public through a series of curated exhibitions. We take a look at the inaugural show featuring works by the British painter John Hoyland.
British Art Show 8 opens in Leeds on Friday 9 October and the city – currently bidding to be European Capital of Culture 2023 – is responding with a raft of additional activity. Leeds-based writers and artists Amelia Crouch and Lara Eggleton report on what the city’s homegrown and artist-led organisations are up to as Leeds City Council throws its support behind a showcase of the city’s buoyant visual arts scene.
The fourth British Ceramics Biennial in Stoke-on-Trent comes as the industry in the city is enjoying a modest upturn. Reporting from the city, Bob Dickinson finds plenty of evidence of ceramic creativity alongside well-founded concerns over the loss of traditional industrial skills.
Now in its third year, London’s Art Licks Weekend continues to expand beyond its south east beginnings, and this year features an increasing number of venues in the south west of the city. Pippa Koszerek speaks to the two artists behind Streatham Hill’s DOLPH projects, who will be sharing the ‘secrets’ of their practice during the four-day festival.
The studio, residency and gallery space in south London reopens with increased exhibition space, more studios, and with the freehold of the building now secured.
Record number of galleries set to participate in annual art fair focusing on emerging artists.
The inaugural Plymouth Art Weekender presents work across the city by over 400 local, national and international artists. Artist and AIR Council member Steven Paige welcomes this audacious new festival and looks at how the city’s visual art ecology has developed in the five years since British Art Show 7.
Event and exhibition highlights for the week ahead, selected from our busy Events section and featuring events and exhibitions posted by a-n members.