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No Boundaries 2014, York
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No Boundaries: cold facts, hard bullets and familiar territory

As part of the recent No Boundaries conference in York and Bristol, Arts Council England made two major presentations about regional investment in the arts and the ‘wider benefits’ of arts and culture to society. Chris Bailey was in York and assesses the significance of the ACE reports.

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AD:uk conference report: “Flavour is important”

This year’s Arts Development UK national conference took a food-related approach to professional development, networking and debate. Steffan Jones-Hughes donned a hairnet, plastic gloves and apron to join the lively conversations in the conference’s World Cafe, where a menu of playful ingredients from artists in residence SSoCial kept the conversations on track.

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The Tetley
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The Tetley: “A space where art can be created”

A new centre for contemporary art and learning has just opened in a landmark heritage building in Leeds. Tina Jackson paid a visit to The Tetley’s opening weekend to find a “buzzing and inclusive event” that pitched agitprop public discussion and an artist’s open studio alongside a selection of curated artefacts from the the building’s former life as a brewery, and provided a fascinating perspective on the relationship between art and labour.

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ACE Report cover
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New ACE strategy: Keep calm and carry on…

Arts Council England’s update of its 10-year ‘strategic framework’ makes for sober and serious reading. But while there are no dramatic changes in its ambitions and priorities, Mark Robinson finds a worrying lack of solutions for cash-strapped artists and no recognition of the regional imbalance in arts funding.

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Edinburgh’s self-regarding asylum gets the press it deserves

Mark Ravenhill’s recent speech at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe sounded the death knell for state subsidy of the arts. Scottish Review editor Kenneth Roy takes the playwright’s views – and their misrepresentation in the right-wing press – to task.

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Creative Scotland reveals interim plan

A just announced interim plan from the Scottish arts funding body reveals that artform reviews will underpin the development of a longer-term plan for 2014-17.

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What next conference
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Conference report: What Next? – a movement in the making

The What Next? conference in London on 29 April brought together some 650 arts professionals as part of a new movement to reassert the value of the arts in society. Kwong Lee, Director of Castlefield Gallery, Manchester, shares his thoughts on the day.

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Margaret Thatcher from The Twelve Apostles (or the Last Laugh) series, Sean Taylor,
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Thatcher and a-n: exploring the archives

As the debate continues around Margaret Thatcher’s legacy ahead of her all-but state funeral, one thing is sure – the influence of her actions and ideas continues to be felt across the UK. Formed in the midst of her first term, a-n is no exception. Here, Director Susan Jones remembers the dawn of Thatcherism and trawls the a-n archive for pertinent references to the Iron Lady and her policies.

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Saltired flag
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The case for independents in Scotland

As Creative Scotland’s open session events on the organisation’s future gather momentum, Edinburgh-based photographer and educator Johnny Gailey assesses what’s wrong at the core of its remit and makes a case for true artistic independence.

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Noisy Table
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FACT celebrates a Hacky Birthday

Liverpool’s pioneering media arts centre is staging a special birthday event this weekend to celebrate the tenth anniversary of its Wood Street building.

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100% cuts in Moray: “It sets the arts sector adrift”

While Harriet Harman’s comments have put Newcastle’s cuts to the arts back on the radar, in the North East of Scotland Moray Council is also about to vote to cut its entire arts budget. And while the figures are much smaller, the impact locally could be just as devastating.

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