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Supported by:Arts Council England
News News feature

Documenta 14, Kassel: 30 recommendations from 10 artists

After launching for the first time in Athens in April, the quinquennial art exhibition Documenta 14 has just opened across 35 venues and numerous outdoor sites in its home city of Kassel, Germany. Ten a-n artist members, who visited Kassel with the support of an a-n Travel bursary, pick their top three works from the vast city-wide programme.

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News News feature

Free Market thinking: arts, organising and alternatives to neoliberalism

Market Gallery’s recent Free Market symposium – supported by an a-n Artist Led Bursary – brought together thinkers and doers to discuss issues around ‘cultural resources in crisis’ and was in part informed by the Glasgow gallery’s own precarious situation. Chris Sharratt reports on three days of thinking beyond the usual.

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News News story

One year on: Sheyda Porter

Currently studying for an MA in curating, the Northumbria University graduate has been busy developing her practice and project-making skills.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Thomson & Craighead, video and internet artists

London and Scotland-based artistic duo Thomson & Craighead have created a new generative moving image work for the Look Again festival in Aberdeen. They talk to Jack Hutchinson about the impact of the internet on our lives and how splitting their time between rural and urban areas has benefitted their practice.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Keith Piper, artist, filmmaker, and cultural archaeologist

Keith Piper’s exhibition at New Art Exchange, ‘Unearthing the Banker’s Bones’, explores the idea of what our society’s relics might look like from a future perspective. The founder member of the BLK Art Group talks to Wayne Burrows about the themes contained within the work and the continued importance of political and social questions to his practice.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Laura Purseglove, project curator, Art and Christianity Enquiry Trust

As a member of Artangel’s production team, Laura Purseglove is used to site-specific working and navigating the complexities of staging art projects in historic buildings. All of which will be useful experience for her role at ACE Trust, where over the next two years she will be developing a programme of exhibitions and commissions for churches and cathedrals throughout the UK. Pippa Koszerek finds out more.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Laura Oldfield Ford, artist and urban explorer

For her current show at The Showroom, London-based artist Laura Oldfield Ford has constructed a disorientating visual, textual and sonic journey that draws on her experiences of navigating the gallery’s surrounding area, weaving together multiple voices and alternative histories and futures. Lydia Ashman finds out more.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Jenni Lomax, outgoing director of Camden Arts Centre

Jenni Lomax announced late last year that she is stepping down from her role at Camden Arts Centre, a position she has held for 26 years. Fisun Güner talks to the much admired director about working with artists, the importance of education in the gallery’s programme, and what she will do next.

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News News comment

2016 in view: “Out of the messiness came solidarity and collaboration”

a-n’s Executive Director Jeanie Scott reflects on an incredibly busy year for the organisation that has seen the publication of the Paying Artists Exhibition Payment Guidance, wide-ranging support for artists through a-n bursaries, and membership reach a record high. And, despite an increasingly messy global situation, says there’s much to look forward to in 2017.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Nicholas Sharp, director and co-founder of The Multiple Store

‘The Last Editions’ is the final chance to celebrate the work of The Multiple Store and to buy one of the high-quality editions it has been commissioning since 1998 by artists including Turner Prize nominees and winners. Co-founder Nicholas Sharp talks about his reasons for starting the project, and why it’s now time to wrap things up.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Suzanne Lacy, artist and social activist

As part of the Super Slow Way programme in Lancashire, Los Angeles-based artist Suzanne Lacy is bringing the local community together through Sufi chanting, shape-note singing and a banquet for 500 people. Bob Dickinson finds out more.

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